Hope For Dreams

Hope For Dreams

Hope For Dreams

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was still dark outside and I could hear birds chirping in the trees around me. The sun hadn’t even risen yet but it felt like a new day had already begun for some reason. Maybe because I’d finally made up with my sister? Or maybe just because I knew that today would be an important one.

I sat up on the bed as I reached over to turn off my alarm clock. As soon as I did, however, I heard someone else moving through the house. A moment later, I saw her walking down the hallway towards our room. She looked so beautiful this morning; she must have gotten ready really quickly.

Her hair was tied back into a ponytail and she wore a white tank top underneath a blue button-up shirt. On her feet were black slacks and brown shoes.

“Good morning,” she said as she walked right past me without saying anything more than hello. “You’re up early.”

She didn’t seem upset about what happened last night at all. In fact, she seemed pretty happy! That’s when I realized something: we weren’t going to talk about it anymore. We both agreed that we needed to move forward from here instead of dwelling on the past.

And since there wasn’t any point in bringing everything up again anyway, why not start fresh? So that’s exactly what I decided to do.

“Morning!” I replied cheerfully. “How long have you been awake?”

“Not too long,” she answered. “I couldn’t sleep very well after what happened yesterday though. Do you think we should go out somewhere today or stay home?”

“Well… I don’t know…” I started. “We’ve never gone anywhere together before. What if people see us and recognize us? We’ll probably get mobbed by fans or paparazzi.”

“Oh yeah, that might happen,” she admitted. “But I’m sure they won’t care who we are. They’ll just want to take pictures with us and ask for autographs.”

“Okay then,” I said. “Let’s go out.”

As we got dressed, I told her that we should grab breakfast first. Then we headed downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was making pancakes and bacon for everyone. My dad was sitting at the table reading his newspaper while he ate. He glanced up briefly when we came in but went back to eating once he noticed we weren’t talking to him.

After we finished eating, we put on our jackets and left the house. It was still early enough that most of the stores were closed, so we ended up walking around town until lunchtime. We stopped at a few places along the way including a bookstore, a toy store, and a candy shop.

After that, we took a walk down Main Street and window shopped at all the different shops. By the time we found ourselves standing in front of a clothing boutique, I was starting to feel hungry again. But I also wanted to buy something nice for my sister.

“Do you mind waiting here for a minute?” I asked. “I need to run inside real quick.”

“Sure,” she said. “Just make sure you come back fast.”

So I ran into the store and browsed through their clothes for a little bit. When I finally picked out something, I paid for it and hurriedly exited the building. The only thing I bought was a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, which cost $60 altogether. Not bad considering how expensive everything else is in this city.

When I got back outside, my sister was nowhere to be seen. I figured she must have gone ahead and waited for me in the car. I walked over to the parking lot and saw her leaning against the hood of the silver SUV. She was wearing the same outfit she had on earlier except now she was carrying a small bag.

“Sorry I took so long,” I apologized. “What are you doing here?”

“I thought I’d wait for you,” she explained. “It’s kind of boring being alone in the car.”

“Yeah, I can imagine,” I said. “Where did you park the car?”

“Over there,” she pointed. “Why?”

“Oh, no reason,” I lied. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “Can we stop by the mall on the way home? I want to look at some clothes.”

“Sure,” I said. “That sounds fun.”

We drove back to the house and parked the car in the driveway. Once we got inside, I grabbed my jacket and followed my sister upstairs. She was already in her bedroom changing into another outfit when I entered. This one consisted of a red blouse and a pair of dark blue pants.

“Wow, you look great!” I exclaimed. “I like your new outfit.”

“Thanks,” she smiled. “I hope you like mine too. I bought it, especially for you.”

“Of course I do,” I said. “You always pick out the best stuff for me.”

“Thank you,” she giggled. “Now hurry up and take off your clothes. I want to show you my present.”

I looked down at myself and realized that I was still fully clothed. I quickly undressed and stood naked in front of her. Her eyes widened as she stared at my body.

“Your chest looks bigger than usual,” she observed. “And your muscles are more defined too. Did you work out recently?”

“No,” I shook my head. “I haven’t done anything special lately other than eating right and exercising regularly.”

“Really?” she asked. “Then how did you get so big?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “Maybe it’s because I’ve been working hard at school and taking care of myself.”

“Hmm…” she pondered. “I guess that could be possible. But why does it matter anyway? You’re still really cute either way.”

She reached out and touched my arm. I felt a shiver run through me as her soft fingers brushed across my skin. She moved closer and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me towards her. Our lips met and I pressed my forehead against hers.

She let go of my collar and pulled my face farther down so our tongues could meet each other. I tasted the sweet flavor of her cherry lip gloss and leaned forward to kiss her more deeply. Then I reached between her legs and stroked her pussy softly.

“Ohh…ohhh,” she moaned. “You can’t do that yet. Let me finish putting on my clothes and then I’ll give you a full massage.”


My sister insisted that she wear an underwear set from Victoria’s Secret for the rest of the day. It wasn’t actually a bra or panty set, but a kind of negligee dress that came with its own matching black panties.

Whenever she changed outfits, she would first put on the lingerie. And whenever she needed to use the bathroom, she wouldn’t strip completely naked; instead she would just pull her dress up a little bit, revealing the see-through fabric underneath.

As if that weren’t hot enough, she’d keep her skirt down the whole time and use the restroom by sitting on top of the toilet seat while wearing nothing but her panties. She also liked to walk around nude after she finished using the bathroom.

Eventually, I grew accustomed to seeing her totally naked, whether I wanted to or not. After all, she kept showing me her goods pretty much nonstop since last weekend.

Today, however, was different. My sister decided to surprise me, and she definitely succeeded. That morning, after taking a shower, she went straight to her wardrobe and pulled out a shirt, shorts, a tank top, flip flops, a beach towel, and some sunscreen.

We didn’t plan for this trip originally, but now it seemed like she planned to spend most of the afternoon laying out on the sand near the water.

There were three cars in the family’s driveway: ours plus two others. Apparently, my parents invited their friends along and they brought the fifth vehicle.

Once my sister and I finished getting dressed, we headed downstairs together. Once outside, my mother opened the garage door and helped us both unload my bags. We piled them into one of the guest bedrooms upstairs which we would share for a couple days. The rest of the luggage was left in the trunk of the car where we put it earlier today.

After my parents dropped off a few more items in the master bath, they gave me and my sister specific instructions about how to handle everything before heading up to the condo. They wanted me to lock the doors behind us and make sure nobody else had access to the place until their guests arrived next week.

They promised to leave the television and internet on in case we wanted to relax and watch something while lying out under the sun.

Before long, we heard our father honk his horn repeatedly. We got back inside, closed the garage door, locked all the windows, and hid the key somewhere in the house. Then we grabbed towels and sunscreen and followed him to the street.

He parked beside a large van and hopped out of the driver’s seat. Then he ran over to greet my mom and hug her. Soon, they went on their way and returned to the front of the house. Their voices echoed throughout the empty building.

I overheard my parents talking about the groceries and household stuff they bought. They were probably already unpacking everything right now.

When my dad finally walked away, my sister and I climbed into the backseat. I sat on the middle bench where my mom usually sits and my sister took a shotgun. We drove in silence and eventually ended up parking in a nearby lot. There, my sister handed me a tube of sunscreen and directed me to apply the cream all over my body.

Since we got there early, the beach was practically deserted. Most people started arriving at noon or later. So even though my sister suggested bringing a beach umbrella, we decided to stay clear of them. Besides, I didn’t want to ruin her plan of undressing when everyone else arrives.

We found a nice spot near the water with ample space around us. Since I was tall, my sister let me take a larger portion of the area than her. However, since she was very slender, she fit quite well within the small space without blocking anyone behind her.

I spread our blanket across the sand and rolled out a small mat she said I could use as a cushion for my butt. I laid it flat and stepped onto it so that I wouldn’t have any direct contact with the ground. My sister, who only used a thin towel, still needed to sit directly on the sand.

Luckily, she didn’t mind and quickly stripped off her bikini. She lay down on top of the towel facing toward the ocean, stretching out her arms behind her head. Her feet faced me. Just seeing her body made me hard!

She looked spectacular! Although her breasts weren’t particularly large – they didn’t even reach half of her chest height — she wore no support band under her two-piece. This gave them an extremely perky appearance and, combined with her beautiful tan skin, it turned her into a stunning exotic beauty.

At five foot seven inches tall, she was slightly shorter than me and sported a full figure. On the other hand, her legs seemed longer and she didn’t need to shave nearly as often as I did.

The End

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