I Remember The Day I Saw Her

I Remember The Day I Saw Her

I Remember The Day I Saw Her

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I remember the day I saw her,

and she was smiling, her eyes filled with hope.

She took my hand and held it tightly as we walked

through the park to a place where no one else could go.

“Take me there,” she said, “so that I can see our future.”

We walked on for some time until we reached an old oak tree.

In its branches sat two children, both were wrapped in blankets

And a dog curled up at their feet.

“Who are they?” asked my love.

“They’re us,” I said, “a hundred years from now.”

When I looked closely into her eyes, I knew the dream was true.

Her smile shone brightly as the sun, but in those days she only had one arm.


The man who made this possible is dead,

His name was Dr. Tyler Lang. He believed that everyone deserved a second chance.

He set out to prove his theory by sending people back in time.

It started with one person, then another,

Until he sent dozens of them back through the gate.

Then one night he disappeared without warning or trace.

All hope was lost when we thought he’d failed,

But then a message arrived from a world far away.

As they spoke of Dr. Lang’s brave endeavor,

I couldn’t help but think about my own life.

My love was still alive, she hadn’t aged a day.

And we would live forever together if I chose to follow him.

So I packed up my things and followed the message

To a new place called New Alexandria, where I hoped to find a way home.


That was two years ago, I’m still waiting.

There are others here, who’ve come from different worlds

But none have returned from the past.

I don’t know how long I’ll wait,

Or what I will do when I find the answer.

If I should ever return, I hope you’re all well.

My love waits for me, at that other time.

If nothing else, I will leave behind something more.

A friend, a companion to keep your spirits high.

Someone who knows exactly how you feel.


I met a girl once when I was very young.

She was so beautiful, like the light shining down from the sky.

Her hair was dark and her eyes were green.

She smiled at me, even though I didn’t speak.

It’s been many years since that day, and I still remember her face.

When I look in the mirror, I can almost see her there.

I try to tell myself it’s just a trick of my mind.

But sometimes I swear I hear her voice calling my name.


We say we want to change the world,

but we never bother to listen to the words

that get pushed aside in our haste to be heard.

Those words, that truth, they’re not meant for us anymore,

they belong to someone else.

The ones who lived before us, they have a better plan.

Forget what you need to survive, they tell us,

it’s time to forget all that you’ve learned.

This isn’t your fight, it belongs to another.

You have no right to pass this torch to anyone else,

it’s time to let them handle everything alone.

Don’t worry, they say, we’ll always be around.

We’ll help them out, whenever they need a hand.

Just give us the power, they say, we’ll take care of you.

You can count on us, we won’t let you down.

We might not be there when you need us,

but we promise, we’ll be there in the end.

They’re using us, and we don’t even realize it.

Our lives are in the hands of the ones who came before,

who don’t understand why we struggle to stay alive.

They’re leaving us to die just so they can rest easy.

Why do we put up a fight? Why do we shout our words of rage?

We’re the reason we’re being left behind.

We’re the ones who’ve brought this upon ourselves.


Sometimes I wonder what we’re fighting for,

is this really worth the price we pay?

Do we have any idea where we’re going wrong,

or does it seem too hard to look inside?

Is there a reason for living, or is this just a thing

we do because we think it’s expected of us?

Are we really doing what we want, or do we just pretend

to be what other people expect of us instead?

These questions haunt me, every day I’m awake.

Will I ever stop asking, will I ever learn the answers?

What do we stand for, when we’ve forgotten why we’re here?

We’ve given up the fight, our souls are tired, and we don’t care.

It doesn’t matter anymore if we’re fighting for a cause.

Maybe I’m just looking for something to blame, maybe I’m just upset.

I guess it’s all in my head, I’m the only one to blame.

Maybe I just miss her, and that’s the problem,

maybe she was the last good thing I ever did.


I know I’m not perfect, you don’t have to remind me.

I don’t know much about the world, and the things I do know

are often twisted by the lies I’ve told myself.

But I hope that you’ll still believe in me,

and trust me with anything I might say.

You don’t have to agree, but please don’t judge me.

I’m just trying to find my place, I’m just trying to fit in.

I don’t know what else there is to say, I’m trying not to cry.

I wish I could talk to you, but I’m afraid it would be bad luck.

I don’t know how much longer I can hold back the tears,

please forgive me when I start to scream.

I’m just a stupid kid, I don’t know how to live.

Can you tell me where we went wrong, why are we broken?

I had a dream, we were happy, we were free.

Now I don’t know what to say, I’m losing my control.

You know I love you, please understand,

I’m just a stupid kid, I don’t know how to live.


I’ve seen a lot of darkness, too many dead men.

I’ve felt the pain, the sorrow, and the fear.

I’ve cried for those who couldn’t fight back

and prayed for those who never made it home.

I’ve been betrayed, I’ve been used,

I’ve been kicked when I was down.

I’ve failed, again and again,

but I’ll keep fighting until the very end.

The End

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