Cat At The River

Cat At The River

Cat At The River

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The river was wide and deep, the current strong. It had been a long time since Cat’s last visit to this place; she’d forgotten how fast it moved here in its upper reaches where there were no dams or locks that slowed down the flow of water from mountain springs high up on Mount Sibiu.

She stood at one edge looking across into another world: an alien landscape with strange-looking trees growing out over the waters like islands floating upon their own little sea. A small boat sat moored by some rocks near her feet but beyond them lay nothing save for more mountains rising steeply skyward above dense forests thick as brambles.

There seemed to be very few people about—just two men walking along beside each other not far away who looked vaguely familiar though they might have just walked past her without noticing anything unusual. They carried fishing rods slung over their shoulders while wearing large backpacks which made them look even smaller than usual.

One wore glasses perched atop his head so he could peer through lenses magnifying those eyes behind them until only tiny pinpricks remained visible beneath the dark frames. He glanced around nervously now and then before stopping suddenly when something caught his eye further downstream somewhere between him and Cat standing alone on this side of the riverbank.

His companion stopped too, peering intently towards whatever it was that had drawn both their attention. Then all three turned quickly round again to face upstream where yet another man appeared carrying what must surely be a dead body draped loosely over his shoulder!

This new arrival also paused briefly to stare directly ahead before continuing unerringly forward once more, heading straight toward Cat still standing motionless at the riverside watching everything unfold below her. And soon enough the first pair came running after him shouting loudly, “Stop!”

But neither of these newcomers paid any heed whatsoever to either voice nor did they appear concerned by the fact that someone else was clearly trying desperately hard to stop them from doing exactly what they wanted. Instead, the second man continued steadily onward right under everyone’s noses despite being chased relentlessly by the others.

Soon he disappeared completely among the trees lining the banks opposite hers and nobody ever saw him again.

“What is going on?” asked Cat finally turning sharply back towards the scene unfolding on the other bank. All four figures were gone except for one lone figure sitting crosslegged facing the river staring fixedly downwards. Now and then he would lift his gaze upwards momentarily before returning his focus to the flowing water rushing silently past him.

After several minutes of waiting patiently, Cat decided she couldn’t stand it anymore and began slowly making her way carefully across the rocky ground towards him. As she drew closer however the stranger lifted himself abruptly off the rock he had been resting against and started moving swiftly backward away from her.

When she reached the spot where he’d left the stone lying nearby he immediately picked it up and placed it firmly back in its original position before resuming his retreat. In spite of herself, Cat found this behavior highly amusing and laughed aloud as she watched him go.

Only later did she realize why he hadn’t simply waited quietly for her to pass by unnoticed instead of reacting quite so strongly. For although he didn’t seem particularly old he certainly wasn’t young either. Indeed if truth be told he probably shouldn’t really have been able to walk upright let alone run away from anyone much younger than himself. Yet somehow he managed perfectly well regardless.

As Cat approached he kept retreating farther and faster until eventually, he vanished entirely amongst the trees bordering the stream itself. Still chuckling softly to herself Cat followed the path leading deeper into the forest following the sound of splashing water. Eventually, she emerged blinking in surprise at the sight of a huge waterfall cascading down sheer granite cliffs towering overhead.

Beyond this great natural wonder stretched miles and acres of lush green meadowland dotted with wildflowers and shrubs. Here and there were scattered groups of tents pitched amidst clusters of wooden huts built within circles of stones set neatly apart.

Some of these dwellings sported smoke chimneys rising high above roofs covered with grasses woven together tightly resembling rugs rather than tiles. Others possessed flat tops supported by poles whose ends protruded slightly outward giving rise to triangular shapes reminiscent of ancient Egyptian pyramids.

These latter structures were obviously intended primarily for use during the summer months when temperatures soared higher than anywhere else in Europe outside perhaps Greece. Most of the inhabitants were already awake and busy preparing breakfast using firewood gathered earlier in the day.

Many of them stared curiously at Cat as she passed by but none spoke to her. It took her many hours to reach the outskirts of the encampment where she discovered the source of the mysterious sounds coming from deep inside the woods.

The noises grew louder and clearer as she went on until she arrived at the foot of a tall tree trunk stretching horizontally upward almost vertically. Atop this massive vertical column, dozens of birds fluttered frantically whilst hundreds more clambered eagerly up and down clinging precariously to every available surface.

Their cries filled the air with such intensity that Cat felt compelled to cover her ears lest she loses consciousness altogether. She stood transfixed gazing upwards unable to take her eyes off the spectacle taking place thousands of feet above her head.

Even when she tried looking elsewhere she always returned inexorably to the same point in time and space where the entire world revolved around an enormous bird soaring effortlessly through the skies. Its wingspan measured easily ten times larger than that of any normal eagle or vulture.

From tip to tail feathers it resembled nothing less than some kind of giant prehistoric creature out of prehistory long since extinct save here and now in this remote corner of southern France. So large was this magnificent avian beast flying majestically beyond human comprehension that even the most hardened skeptic could not help feeling moved by the awesome majesty of nature displayed before them.

Cat remained rooted to the spot mesmerized for countless moments longer only gradually becoming aware of something tugging insistently at her sleeve. Looking down she realized she’d lost track of how far she had wandered off course while admiring the view.

Her guide pointed urgently towards a small clearing just visible between two rows of dense foliage growing close together beneath which lay a tiny trail winding its way along the base of a steep hillside. Without hesitation Cat made straight for it, pausing briefly once again beside the fallen log upon which she’d sat watching the strange sights below.

This time though she noticed another smaller group of people standing near the edge of the woodlands surrounding the camp. They too seemed intent on observing what appeared to be yet another spectacular display being put forth by Mother Nature’s finest creations.

One man among their number stepped forward and beckoned loudly to Cat who quickly joined them. Soon they all turned to face each other regarding one another intently without speaking. Then suddenly everyone broke into spontaneous applause applauding wildly as the first pair of feathered creatures came hurtling over the top of the ridge directly ahead.

A second later a third followed closely behind them both disappearing rapidly into the distance never to return. All four birds flew in perfect unison performing complex aerial maneuvers impossible for any mere mortal to imitate.

Each individual performed unique movements designed solely to confuse predators seeking easy prey. Several seconds after leaving the scene of action they reappeared gliding gracefully downward landing safely in front of the astonished onlookers.

Everyone rushed forwards eager to catch hold of the wing tips of the newcomers allowing themselves to be carried away like children playing tag. When finally released the birds immediately began circling slowly about the area searching for food.

After several minutes they settled back onto branches dangling low enough so that anyone might grasp them should they desire. As soon as they did the crowd surged forward gathering handfuls of berries and nuts and then hurrying off to feed others waiting patiently nearby.

Within no time the whole valley resounded to the joyful laughter of happy folk sharing good fortune with those less fortunate.


The next morning Cat awoke early still tired from lack of sleep. Nevertheless, she forced herself to get dressed and make her way downstairs determined to find someone willing to give her directions to the nearest town.

Before doing so, however, she paused momentarily to gaze out across the garden toward the distant mountains lying hidden under heavy cloud cover. Despite having been told repeatedly that the weather in Provence rarely changed much throughout the year she found it hard to believe considering the amount of rain falling steadily ever since arriving in this part of the country.

In fact, there hadn’t really been a single sunny day to speak of despite the best efforts of the locals to convince her otherwise. Perhaps if she continued heading southwards things would improve. If so then it wouldn’t do to waste valuable daylight hours trudging aimlessly round in circles hoping to stumble upon civilization sooner or later.

Instead, she decided to follow the stream flowing downhill past her cottage leading eventually to a river running parallel with the coastline. Thereafter it was merely a matter of following the coastline northward keeping well clear of the heavily forested areas inland.

It wasn’t difficult finding the right path although it proved somewhat challenging trying to keep pace with the swift-moving water. By mid-morning, she reached the banks of the River Rhone and set off upstream making sure to stay within sight of the road.

Although the sun shone brightly overhead the temperature remained cool due to the constant breeze blowing constantly against her skin. Noticing numerous signs warning travelers to beware of bears she kept alert but saw none during the short journey.

Once again Cat marveled at how different life must have been centuries ago compared to today. The thought reminded her of the many tales she’d heard concerning the legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.

She wondered whether he himself had actually existed or perhaps these were simply stories conjured up by writers wishing to entertain readers. Either way, she couldn’t help wondering why such legends persisted even after hundreds of years. Surely the truth is more interesting than fiction?

By late afternoon Cat arrived at a village situated alongside the main highway leading eastwards towards Avignon. Finding a public house serving fresh beer she ordered a mugful to wash down the last few mouthfuls of bread left over from breakfast.

Sitting alone nursing her drink she watched the traffic passing through the busy crossroads outside. Eventually, an elderly woman approached her asking if she could spare some change. “No thanks,” replied Cat politely declining the offer.

Moments later a young boy carrying a basket full of apples stopped before her table staring silently for a moment. He looked familiar somehow causing Cat to wonder where she knew him from. Suddenly realizing it was because he resembled a younger version of the same person she’d seen earlier sitting inside the pub drinking.

At least I hope not! she thought nervously looking around to see if anybody else recognized either of them. Seeing nobody paying attention she returned her gaze to the youngster only now noticing the large bruise covering most of his forehead.

His eyes stared vacantly fixed somewhere far beyond the present reality. Forcing herself to remain calm Cat asked quietly: “What happened?”

“I fell.”

Cat glanced sharply at the child concerned that something may have gone wrong while collecting fruit. However seeing nothing amiss she nodded encouragingly saying; “That’s alright, you can sit here until your mother comes along to collect you. You don’t want to cause trouble for yourself do you?”

He shook his head mutely unable to reply.

After finishing her ale Cat paid the bill settling up with the landlord who seemed surprised when she handed him two gold coins instead of just one. Returning home Cat washed and changed clothes feeling refreshed once again ready to continue on her travels.

Just as she started walking out of the door she noticed a small group of people gathered together near what appeared to be a churchyard gate. Curious about their presence she made her way closer stopping several yards away from the crowd watching carefully to ensure they didn’t notice her approach.

A man wearing a black robe stood talking animatedly pointing into the distance. Asking somebody standing nearby to translate he explained that the priest believed the dead had risen from their graves. One of those listening turned abruptly shouting angrily at the stranger accusing him of spreading false rumors.

Others followed suit voicing similar sentiments all adding fuel to the fire. Soon fists began flying resulting in a brief yet violent scuffle between the combatants. Shocked onlookers quickly dispersed leaving behind a trail of bloodied bodies sprawled lifeless across the ground.

Turning back Cat hurried and hastily retraced her steps returning to her cottage locking the front door securely before climbing onto the roof taking refuge beneath the eaves. From above she gazed intently at the scene below noting that no further violence ensued.

After waiting patiently for half an hour she climbed down safely avoiding any confrontation with anyone wanting to question her actions. Having finished washing and changing clothes Cat sat eating dinner pondering what might lie ahead.

With little choice remaining she resolved to press onwards regardless of anything which threatened to delay her progress. In order to avoid attracting unwanted attention, she walked slowly allowing others to overtake her without comment.

This tactic worked reasonably well except for a couple of times when men attempted to engage her in conversation. When this failed they resorted to insulting remarks aimed specifically at women. On each occasion Cat ignored them pretending not to hear whilst continuing on her way.

Finally reaching the outskirts of Arles she found a rooming house offering cheap accommodation close enough to walk easily into town. Arriving early evening she spent time wandering aimlessly through the streets searching for clues regarding her next destination.

It soon became apparent there weren’t too many options available so decided upon the first place she came across. Entering the inn located opposite the city gates she took a seat at a window overlooking the street ordering a glass of wine.

Looking closely she observed a number of soldiers patrolling the area keeping watch for potential threats. Taking another sip of her drink she realized that despite being relatively safe living conditions hadn’t improved much since medieval days judging by the state of the buildings surrounding her.

The noise level increased dramatically after dark as tavern doors were flung open inviting customers inside. She listened attentively trying to identify different languages spoken but couldn’t make out more than a handful. Most sounded like gibberish to her ears.

Noticing someone approaching she rose swiftly moving to stand beside the bar blocking his path. Without warning, he grabbed hold of her arm pulling her roughly against him and forcing his lips forcefully against hers.

Her surprise caused her to struggle briefly before relaxing and accepting whatever fate awaited her. Sensation flooded every part of her body awakening long-forgotten desires stirring within her mind. Unable to resist she responded eagerly kissing him passionately tasting his tongue probing deep inside her mouth.

Within moments she felt his hand sliding under her skirt lifting it slightly and exposing her naked thighs. Feeling his fingers caressing her bare flesh she moaned softly enjoying the sensation. Realizing how aroused she was becoming he pulled away releasing her instantly and turning towards the kitchen demanding food and drinks for both himself and his companion.

Satisfied with having fulfilled their needs the pair left heading deeper into Arles disappearing amongst crowds of other patrons exiting various establishments. Leaving the pub Cat returned to her table where she remained sitting quietly drinking her wine staring blankly off into space lost in thought.

Eventually deciding to retire for the night she headed upstairs finding herself sharing a bed with a young girl barely old enough to attend school. Falling asleep almost immediately she dreamt vividly recalling events from earlier that day.


The following morning Cat woke late feeling tired and disoriented. Waking suddenly she looked around noticing that she wasn’t alone lying alongside her sleeping peacefully unaware of her surroundings. Moving silently over to the edge of the bed she peered underneath only to find nobody else occupying the same spot.

Grabbing some clothing she dressed quickly making sure everything was properly fastened before slipping downstairs to look for breakfast. Finding none she wandered outside admiring the view of the countryside spread out below her.

Walking along the road leading southwards she stopped periodically asking directions from passersby until finally arriving at a large building situated high atop a hill surrounded by trees. Stopping to gaze upwards she could see a steep staircase winding its way up the side of the mountain.

Deciding to climb higher she started walking briskly ascending steadily gaining altitude. Reaching the top she paused momentarily gazing downwards seeing nothing but dense forest stretching far beyond sight. Steeping forward she stepped onto a small wooden platform built directly adjacent to the main entrance.

Climbing down cautiously she entered the structure entering a dimly lit corridor lined with numerous doors opening one after the other revealing rooms containing beds, tables, and chairs. Passing two or three corridors she eventually reached a set of stairs descending rapidly passing several floors before coming to rest at the bottom landing facing a single doorway.

Opening the door she saw a man standing just inside wearing a white robe and holding something in his hands. He turned smiling broadly greeting her warmly introducing himself as Brother Martin. “I’m glad you’ve come,” he said extending his arms and welcoming her inside.

Following him, she noticed a collection of books lining shelves positioned throughout the room. A desk stood near a fireplace burning brightly illuminating most areas of the chamber casting shadows across walls covered with paintings depicting scenes from biblical stories.

Sitting down Cat asked about the painting hanging nearest to her stating she’d never seen such artwork before. Pointing to an image showing Jesus Christ carrying a cross between his legs she inquired what it depicted. Smiling he replied telling her that was exactly right.

Explaining further that crucifixion had been used widely during ancient Roman times often resulting in death due to excruciating pain endured by those condemned to die. Asking if any of these people survived he shook his head indicating no saying all died painfully.

Continuing Cat questioned why anyone would want to inflict suffering on themselves knowing full well they faced certain execution. Brother Martin explained that Christians believed God intended punishment for sin rather than taking life. In addition to this belief, torture was also considered necessary to bring sinners back to repentance.

Turning to face her again he smiled explaining that although painful deaths might be required sometimes forgiveness must take precedence over justice. Leaning closer Cat whispered wondering aloud whether the person who committed the crime deserved to suffer the consequences of their actions.

Hearing footsteps approaching Brother Martin moved aside allowing a woman to enter followed by five men each armed with swords drawn pointing them straight ahead ready for action should anything go wrong. Introducing herself as Sister Mary Catherine she told Cat that while she didn’t believe in torturing others she did feel it important to punish criminals.

She went on to explain that many years ago there lived a group of women known collectively as The Sisters Of Mercy. They were dedicated to helping victims of rape and sexual assault offering comfort and support through counseling and prayer.

However, when word got out regarding their activities the church became concerned fearing the nuns’ influence may lead to heresy so the order was disbanded. When news came to light concerning the murder of a nun by another sister things took a turn for the worse causing even greater concern among officials.

It soon transpired that the victim had secretly married a local farmer leaving behind children whom the sisters cared for. One evening whilst tending to the kids the husband arrived home drunk intent upon raping his wife. Fearing for her safety she grabbed a knife stabbing the man repeatedly killing him instantly.

This resulted in the authorities charging the surviving members of the order with treason. All except one were sentenced to death. After hearing the verdicts delivered by Pope Gregory VII he instructed the remaining member of the congregation to carry out the sentence personally.

The End

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