Winter Fairy

Winter Fairy

Winter Fairy

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“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that.” The Winter Fairy shook her head. “It would be too dangerous for the both of us if we were to go out there now,” she said with a sigh as she looked at me from behind my back. She was standing in front of the door leading outside and blocking it so I couldn’t leave.

“Why not?” I asked curiously. It seemed like an odd thing for someone who had been trying to help me this whole time to say.

The fairy sighed again before answering, “Because your friends are still alive!”

She then turned around and walked over to one of the windows on the other side of the room. There wasn’t anything particularly interesting about them; they just looked like normal glass panes except for their size.

They were easily big enough to fit two people inside each pane without having any trouble breathing or moving around. But what caught my attention more than anything else was the fact that there weren’t any cracks running through these windows either.

This meant that whatever magic was keeping them intact must have also kept everything else sealed off within the walls of this building. That made sense since no matter how strong a person’s body is, it wouldn’t take much damage to break something like glass when struck by lightning.

And considering I’d already seen several flashes of light come flying down from above earlier today, I could only imagine how many times those strikes had hit the windowpanes. Yet somehow, none of them managed to shatter even though all of them should’ve shattered under such circumstances.

That being said, I did notice some strange markings carved into the stone surrounding the windows. Some of them were simple runes while others appeared to be letters written in another language altogether. All of which were very similar to the ones used by the ancient civilization known as the Elves.

“What are those symbols doing here? Why aren’t they broken yet?” I asked the Winter Fairy after noticing her staring at them intently.

“Those marks are part of our barrier spell,” she explained. “They’re supposed to keep anyone from entering this place aside from myself and the other fairies. So unless you want to get yourself killed along with everyone else out there, please don’t try leaving.”

“Fine… What about the rest of the city? Is it safe for me to go out there right now?” I inquired, hoping that maybe she knew something that might prove useful. After all, it didn’t seem likely that the entire population of the town had simply vanished overnight.

Especially given how large the buildings were compared to the number of inhabitants living inside them. Something like that would never work in real life. No matter how small the village or town may be, its residents always end up making way too much noise whenever they move around. In addition to that, there would normally be plenty of guards patrolling the streets and watching over the houses themselves. At least, that’s what happened in most places where I grew up.

This meant that if the citizens of this town suddenly started disappearing, somebody somewhere would definitely notice.

But instead of replying to my question, the Winter Fairy simply stared blankly ahead. Her eyes went wide as she began muttering incoherent words under her breath. As far as I could tell, she hadn’t noticed me yet despite being direct across from me.

Not that I really cared about that anyway. If she wanted to ignore me, that was fine by me. I mean, why should I care whether or not she acknowledged my existence? We were technically enemies, after all. Even so, the longer she took to reply, the more impatient I became. Eventually, I decided to speak up and ask her straight out: “Hey! Are you going to answer my questions or not?!”

Her response came sooner than expected. A single flash of lightning shot past me followed shortly thereafter by a loud clap of thunder. It was clear that the storm had finally arrived. But unfortunately, it was nowhere near as powerful as the first one I saw earlier today.

To put things into perspective, this one probably wouldn’t even make it rain hard enough to wet the ground. Hell, it almost felt like there was barely any wind coming from the direction of the clouds overhead. Just thinking about it made me feel cold all over. It reminded me of the winter season back home. Back when the temperature dropped below freezing point during the night. When the snow fell thick and heavy, covering every surface beneath it.

Those were the days I loved the most. Because there was nothing better than waking up to see fresh powdery white snow falling from the sky. It gave me hope that spring would eventually arrive once again.

“You know, it doesn’t look like the weather will be getting any nicer anytime soon…” The Winter Fairy muttered quietly as she continued looking out of one of the windows. “In fact, it looks like the storm is actually picking up strength. Maybe we should stay indoors until it passes.”

I couldn’t help but agree with her. Given how dark the skies were becoming outside, I doubted it would be long before the sun completely disappeared behind the horizon. And judging by the sound of the approaching storm, I figured we had less than an hour left to wait.

By then, the Winter Fairy would surely return to her usual self. Meaning I’d be able to talk to her properly and find out exactly who she was. At least, that’s what I hoped would happen. Unfortunately, the only thing that seemed certain was that I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.


The next few minutes passed slowly. Or perhaps I should say painfully slow. For whatever reason, time just refused to pass quickly no matter how hard I tried. That was especially true since I still hadn’t been able to figure out anything new about the mysterious woman standing beside me.

She remained silent throughout the whole ordeal. Not saying a word nor showing the slightest hint of emotion on her face. Even though I desperately wanted to learn more about her, I found myself unable to do so. All because she kept refusing to respond to my questions.

Eventually, the storm ended without warning. Or rather, it was never there in the first place. Apparently, the Winter Fairy had predicted correctly. Whatever she said must have worked. Either that or the storm simply ran out of steam. Regardless, the silence between us was gone. And I immediately turned towards her with a smile plastered onto my face.

“Thank goodness!” I exclaimed excitedly. “It seems like the storm has finally cleared up. Now we can get moving and leave this town behind forever.”

My statement earned me another strange stare from the Winter Fairy. This one lasted for several seconds before she replied: “…Why are you thanking me?”

“Well, I’m glad that the storm is finally over,” I explained. “That means we won’t be stuck here waiting out the remainder of the day. Instead, we’ll be able to continue our journey at last. Right?”

“Yes, that’s correct.” The Winter Fairy nodded silently while staring down at the floor. “However, I don’t think we’re safe yet. You need to keep your guard up until we reach the borderlands.”

“…What makes you say that?” I asked curiously.

She didn’t reply right away. In fact, she stayed quiet for quite some time. After which, she looked up and spoke softly: “There’s something I want to show you… But if you refuse to come with me now, I may never be able to bring myself to take you there. So please, let me explain everything to you.”

After hearing those words, I decided to trust her. If she really did intend to kill me, she could’ve easily done so already. There was no way she would risk letting me escape after being trapped inside this house with her. Especially given how much effort she went through trying to prevent me from leaving. As such, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for whatever she might tell me.

“Okay, I understand,” I told her confidently. “But why don’t we start by telling me your name? Then maybe I’ll be able to call you by yours instead of ‘the Winter Fairy’.”

“Very well,” the Winter Fairy answered with a nod. “Then allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hana-Sophia. Sophia is the Greek goddess of wisdom. However, I prefer to go by the nickname Sophie.”

“Nice to meet you, Sophie,” I responded politely. “Now, what exactly is it that you plan on showing me?”

Hearing these words, the Winter Fairy smiled gently. It was a warm expression that made her even prettier than ever. And when she closed her eyes and tilted her head slightly, I felt like I was seeing her for the very first time.

A beautiful young lady who was far too kind and gentle for anyone to hate. Of course, I knew better. Because I also saw the coldness lurking beneath her skin. The same darkness that hid within all fairies. Including the ones who lived in this world.

“This is where I live,” she began explaining. “A small cottage located somewhere in the forest near the borderlands. I built it myself using magic. And although it’s not nearly as big or fancy as the mansion you visited earlier today, it does provide shelter during the winter months. Which explains why I chose to stay here alone.”

Once again, I noticed the sadness in her voice. Her tone was soft and sad, almost as if she was talking about someone else entirely. But once I realized that, I understood why she was reluctant to share any information about herself.

No doubt she feared revealing too many details to an outsider. Just like she’d done back in the carriage. Given how close she seemed to be to the man lying unconscious on the bed, I couldn’t blame her for wanting to protect him.

“I know this isn’t much compared to the palace you were staying at,” Sophie continued speaking calmly. “And believe me, I wouldn’t expect you to accept this offer. But I hope you will consider coming inside anyway. At least long enough for me to finish my explanation…”


The moment I stepped into the cottage, I instantly fell in love with its rustic atmosphere. Although most of the furniture was made of wood, it wasn’t rough or crude. On the contrary, each piece appeared to have been crafted with great care.

Even though they weren’t expensive or extravagant, their beauty still managed to catch my attention. Furthermore, the entire room was filled with natural light thanks to the large windows lining both sides of the wall. All of which created a cozy environment that reminded me of home.

As soon as I entered, Sophie turned around and gave me a smile. She then walked towards the kitchen area and pulled open the door. Before stepping outside, however, she paused briefly and glanced back at me. For a brief second, I thought she might try to stop me from going anywhere. But just like before, she remained silent. With nothing more to hide anymore, she simply stood there watching me walk past.

When I reached the front door, I stopped and stared at it for several minutes. I had no idea what to do next, but I figured I should probably leave one last message behind. So I wrote down three simple words on a sheet of paper. Then I folded it up and placed it under the knob.

Once I finished writing, I held onto the handle tightly and twisted it slowly. When I opened the door, I found myself standing in the middle of a garden covered in snow.

Although it was dark out, I could see clearly due to the moonlight shining brightly above us. In fact, it looked like the whole sky was lit up with countless stars. I didn’t recall noticing them while I was walking through the woods earlier today. Perhaps I hadn’t paid close enough attention because I was distracted by everything happening around me. Either way, I was glad I finally got to take a closer look at the night sky.

While staring at the twinkling lights, I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I quickly spun around and saw Sophie holding a lantern in her hand. Without saying anything, she handed it over to me and motioned for me to follow her.

As I took hold of it, I immediately recognized the familiar scent lingering in the air. That must’ve been the same fragrance that I smelled earlier today. Or perhaps it belonged to some other type of flower. Regardless, it was comforting to breathe in such pleasant scents after spending so much time surrounded by strangers.

We started making our way deeper into the garden. After passing multiple trees, we eventually arrived at a stone bench situated right beside the pond. There was another path leading away from it, but Sophie decided to remain seated on the wooden seat. This meant I would need to sit across from her instead. However, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to talk to her yet. Not until I had learned more about her intentions.

After taking a deep breath, I sat down on the opposite side of the table and waited patiently for her to speak. My gaze wandered aimlessly throughout the garden, observing the various plants and flowers growing nearby. They were all different colors and sizes, but they somehow blended together perfectly.

Every single plant was unique in its own special way. Some of them even resembled animals. Others were shaped like humans, or maybe even dragons. It was fascinating to discover something new every few seconds. The only problem was that I couldn’t remember exactly which ones were real and which ones were illusions.

Sophie watched me quietly as I focused on the scenery. Eventually, she cleared her throat and spoke up. “My name is Sophia. You may call me Sophie if you wish.”

“Thank you for your hospitality,” I replied politely. “But please don’t feel obligated to answer any questions I might ask later. If you’re not comfortable talking about certain things, then I’ll understand completely. I’m sorry for intruding on you like this…”

She smiled kindly and shook her head. “Don’t be silly. No one has ever asked me those kinds of questions before. And besides, I’d rather tell someone else’s story than keep mine hidden forever. Besides, I can already sense how curious you are. So I think it would be best if we start off by getting to know each other better… Don’t you agree?”

I nodded silently without saying anything. Instead, I continued studying the surrounding flora. I noticed an orange-colored flower growing near the edge of the pond. Its petals seemed to glow softly in the darkness, almost like fireflies dancing along the surface of the water.

I tried to imagine what kind of creature might live inside such a beautiful place. Was it a dragon? A fairy princess? Maybe even a mermaid swimming beneath the waves?

Before long, the sound of splashing water drew my attention to the center of the garden. I spotted a small waterfall flowing directly into the pond. Although it was difficult to make out details, I could still hear the gentle gurgle echoing loudly within the quiet space. At first glance, it appeared to be quite large, but I knew it wouldn’t be nearly as impressive once I actually stepped foot inside the pond itself.

Once again, I felt a strange sensation running through my body. Unlike when I was looking at the stars earlier tonight, this feeling was far stronger. It made me want to jump into the pond and swim around freely underneath the bright moonlight.

But I resisted the urge, knowing it would probably end badly if I did. For now, I simply stared at the water, imagining myself diving straight into its depths.

The next thing I realized, Sophie was standing right beside me. She placed both hands gently against the sides of my face and gazed deeply into my eyes. Her expression was filled with warmth and kindness, and there was no trace of hostility whatsoever. When she pulled back slightly, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from hers.

Then suddenly, I felt a soft breeze blowing past us. Instantly, I turned my head to see where it came from and discovered that it originated from a cluster of white roses sitting atop a nearby tree branch. Their blossoms swayed gently in the wind, creating a mesmerizing sight that reminded me of a fairytale castle.

Then, just as quickly as it began, the scene vanished. Before I could blink, everything went dark.


When I opened my eyes, I instantly became aware of two figures lying beside me. One of them was Sophie, while the other was a young boy wearing a black cloak. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t recall his exact appearance. In fact, he didn’t seem to have a face at all. His entire body was covered by a thick layer of shadow, leaving him completely unrecognizable.

At least, that’s what I thought initially. However, after staring intently at the figure for several minutes, I finally managed to recognize him. That was because I recognized the voice coming from behind him.

It belonged to none other than my friend, Isaac.

“Hey, buddy!” he said cheerfully. “You’ve been asleep for ages! What happened? Did you get lost somewhere?”

I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my vision. As soon as I did, I saw that the little boy had disappeared. There wasn’t a single trace of him anywhere. Just like the rose bushes outside, he too seemed to vanish into thin air.

“What…? Where am I? Who are you, people?” I muttered nervously. My mind was racing so fast, that I barely remembered to speak English.

Isaac laughed heartily. “Relax, man. This isn’t some weird dream or something. We’re real. Well, most of us anyway.”

He pointed to the girl sleeping peacefully beside me. The moment I laid eyes upon her, I immediately fell in love. She was absolutely gorgeous, with long, silky hair that matched her pale skin perfectly. Her lips were full and inviting, and they glistened under the light of the moon. They also appeared much more plump than usual, which only served to further enhance their natural beauty.

Sophie slowly lifted herself up onto her elbows. Upon seeing our faces, she let out a deep sigh and smiled warmly. “Good morning,” she whispered quietly.

My mouth dropped open in shock. I hadn’t expected anyone to greet me in Japanese. Yet here she was, speaking fluent English despite being born and raised in France.

The End

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