The Solid Banana

The Solid Banana

The Solid Banana

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Maud Cockle was thinking about Alison Rabbit again. Alison was a thoughtless angel with vast toenails and curvaceous ankles.

Maud walked over to the window and reflected on her backward surroundings. She had always loved creepy Chicago with its ratty, raw rivers. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel lonely.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the thoughtless figure of Alison Rabbit. Maud beckoned loudly at her petite roommate from across the riverbank before turning back around to continue watching television as though nothing unusual occurred; like most roommates did all day long without needing much urging.

The only difference is that they watched different channels (shocking) but really neither would have cared if each of them lived inside entirely separate rooms sharing a hallway, so long as both parties weren’t bothered by their company more than necessary… not after freshman year anyway. Their relationship hadn’t grown far enough for any intense drama to take root yet—or ever.

Alison sat down on some old wood near the edge of the bank, pulled off her flip-flops, and let her toes fall into the cool waters until she could dip one foot deep between her knees and then touch the bottom which barely seemed wet despite being surrounded by dirty water.

Alison squished through the mud towards deeper sections where green weeds grew along slimy walls and fat mussels covered every surface. Here it wasn’t too murky because algae floated overhead creating gentle lapping waves against cement supports holding up dry brick homes just above ground level.

This meant you didn’t get sucked under easily or need to watch your step nearly as frequently since floating plants offered little resistance while currents were light except here in this pool away from traffic unless you count the ducks who made appearances here sometimes with strange black markings covering their necks.

“Ahhh.” Alison stretched out on top of an exposed support beam sitting crosslegged as her short, shiny hair blew around in small tufts thanks to an occasional breeze coming off the shoreline nearby. “I can smell Lake Michigan! I love Chicago!”

Her face started dripping a few drops now, perhaps due to the salty air that smelled like old seaweed or possibly the combination of all three. At times Allison couldn’t tell if she stood amongst ocean creatures themselves given how much salt residue stuck onto everything around her.

Even these tiny rivulets caused by running water reminded her of those dirty pools used during physical fitness classes at summer camp when she was little—the ones you’re supposed to jump naked into afterward even though you don’t want to. Yeah.

These were nicer, though. Not quite so ugly with lovely-looking buildings rising skywards into bright blue skies. Most notably those big fluffy clouds, which looked beautiful but also came with lightning bolts shooting across and whatnot causing distant storms, some with hail mixed in to add real texture (allergies).

Sometimes there were tornadoes tossed around above the cityscape below—she wasn’t sure about exactly why tornado activity would be higher here especially given that other cities faced similar odds, but somehow it felt like maybe because the humidity made wind weaker meaning whatever airborne weather is zipping around and bringing high winds doesn’t penetrate very well.

But anyway, back to Alison, whose wide-eyed interest in storms often left her uncharacteristically disinterested in others whenever she failed to find anything exciting on television.

A smart person could enjoy those stormy skies too if she paid attention to where and how strong the winds come sweeping in. She never expected rain would land inside somewhere, mostly because things shouldn’t fly anymore having become so brittle.

Maybe a plane falling apart midair though wouldn’t surprise anyone (though none fell over here), but eventually, people must stop losing their minds completely. At least they’d realize the world isn’t ending anytime soon, right?! … That’s assuming reality won’t go ahead and do itself first like all of us assume has happened countless times already by now anyways.

After all, the end times are written upon everyone’s hearts no matter the circumstance. What will finally destroy society is people ourselves because we’ve lost our souls to fear, jealousy, hate, prejudice, lust, and pride. How ironic.

If one part goes then humanity falters… and dies together. The sad truth, but true nonetheless. With civilization deteriorating further every day human must either seek salvation from God Almighty Himself or start making plans to fight back using guerrilla tactics alone, at least until everyone turns to dust regardless of whether one fights back or does not, but I’m getting sidetracked once again. Oh, look! There’s my friend Alison waving and jumping at me excitedly.

Come join me, say hello, and appreciate nature from afar where you might just learn something interesting today—it’ll make you feel good if nothing else! Okay. Let me get a picture to show everybody how nice it looks out here. #BeachDay

Her new friends introduced her as a native of Chicago during their most recent outing the night before this day’s morning session began; it had been fun indeed.

It always helped knowing someone as everyone usually wanted to stay out later than planned thanks to staying awake and talking for hours which guaranteed going home early only means crashing earlier tonight instead since it should mean fewer drinks consumed beforehand. So far, though, life lessons learned were scarce or altogether lacking.

All it took to break free of monotony was a slight change in attitude: appreciating nature more openly since, after all, it’s everywhere. You simply have to train your mind to see beyond man-made structures to really understand that trees exist without our help while animals including snakes don’t care where humanity stands with its own damn messes to clean up.

These thoughts brought fresh blood flow into her cheeks resulting in freckles showing bright pinkness behind strands of brown hairs swaying in the wind now swirling all around her head. As such, she decided to put her arm across her chest to cool herself down faster to avoid embarrassment setting in.

This past week’s temperatures sometimes soared upward of ninety degrees Fahrenheit making everything rather uncomfortable to wear lately even if her thin shirt did protect against skin damage that sunlight inflicts (an ultraviolet light exposure reminder being plastered all throughout the downtown area wherever glass windows are present).

Never had she lived anyplace hotter, though. While outside now seemed cooler she wondered just what tomorrow would bring regarding the temperature.

She couldn’t help but recall how each and every one of them would turn pale when they stepped foot on this field located northwest of town or any other one so close by because it meant leaving the air conditioning at home while inhaling exhaust fumes from cars spewing pollutants causing air quality to plummet on average forty points higher than what local authorities claim is ‘safe’.

In short, outdoor activities needed to be done wisely if not carefully yet finding these designated locations came second nature once the benefits were explained upon getting here as having direct access to Mother Nature would somehow make you feel better about yourself like waking up well rested instead of feeling sluggish first thing after awakening, sleeping longer meaning less time spent resting in front of a television screen and enjoying the outdoors much sooner; stress levels were lowered lower due to having real-life work experience unlike most kids whose parents paid nothing towards putting food on the table let alone health insurance or retirement funds while also tending bar if even employed elsewhere for long enough to become an alcoholic despite there supposedly being alcoholics among staff members hired at this location.

Then again some weren’t like her who didn’t need anything more than a college degree plus two years working for minimum wage until landing her dream job paying ten times as much compared to what others made serving tables. Who said she couldn’t do both?

Only a few days ago a girl dropped dead on her lunch hour choking on chewing tobacco puffs – barely twenty pounds overweight after all she wasn’t exactly fat although she resembled something far worse than either side of the aisle ever considered according to those assholes, this poor gal tried her best!

She often used gum chews to try to keep herself busy between customers whereas no one could seem to remember seeing anyone buying cigarettes around her which may have been another reason why folks avoided asking her back to join their groups unless all parties involved felt equal regardless of age.

A majority of adults drank coffee and beer depending on the season yet one person never turned away vodka for reasons nobody bothered explaining since everybody in management knew everything pertaining to club rules and regulations except perhaps one: how could spirits in moderation possibly get under your skin and take control over behavior you can logically explain as responsible versus that other stuff completely erasing the conscious minds while allowing them to act entirely selfishly taking orders granted they’d forget all about how pissed off patrons still seemed to remain agitated despite merely waiting tables.

Should I write my name down just in case someone needs to be reminded again not to slip me an extra drink so he feels like an important guy by doing the same in return for sure? Maybe not everyone knows better. These things happen…right, Jack??

Hands now hanging loosely at her sides along with her left foot resting forward onto the ground becoming steady after grabbing the end of her shirt hem that lay over it revealing too little for most eyes watching. Some gawked, others laughed quietly; people still remained silent generally waiting till they finished eating first if the crowd was large enough. Still, one pair sat nearby listening intently as the youngest one within their group was the closest to her by roughly six inches.

She loved children. They weren’t afraid to say whatever was on their minds even if asked simple questions just shy of touching topics none of us want to be discussed especially given the overall demeanor of an entire crowd once certain meals were eaten.

Sometimes they even gave her advice ranging from general answers on different subjects to ‘go ask someone else’ giving off hints without outright telling. Always keeping her going no matter how low or high her confidence became whether making sense or not at least according to anybody’s standards…maybe the others couldn’t hear it like me? Or maybe I am too old…?

Nobody will believe me anyway! Just look around you right before breaking out into fits of laughter together…people stare everywhere you go!! They’re wondering what kind of pills I’m on; come on seriously! What did you think!? That I truly believed…oh..fuck this place sucks! Stupid!

Looking aside briefly as she released her grip on the edge exposing the inside part of her chest with the pink blouse starting to peek through holding her breath turning redder when it hit her body heat quickly cooling her off.

Although she wished many had started laughing instead, none actually appeared surprised, confused, concerned, amused, disgusted, or embarrassed realizing it was only the start and everybody watched silently knowing it gets way hotter later during mid-morning hours. People always look in the other direction not saying shit like what are we gonna do here?

Did he put his fingers where there should NOT BE FINGERS in any shape manner OR form? Nope, he thought otherwise then removed it…then ate our food….because he doesn’t see them as gross anymore apparently in a joking/selfish sorta kinda fashion if ya catch my drift…when will you finally realize we don’t care, eh kid?

He won’t admit to being a total tool acting totally oblivious to what happened afterward thinking no harm intended probably forgetting a time when he wore clothes tucked in tighter causing him to slowly burn a hole somewhere ‘underneath’ his dressers.

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