The Office Murder Mystery Game

The Office Murder Mystery Game

The Office Murder Mystery Game

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You’re a police detective, and you’ve been given the case of an office murder. Your best friend is on your team as well, but he’s not very bright; so it will be up to you two to catch the murderer. You may have three guesses at his identity before time runs out in each round. Just remember that even one wrong guess can cost you dearly: if you choose wrongly, you’ll go home empty-handed!

Your company has recently taken over another firm, and they are holding their annual Christmas Party in the new offices for all employees. One of them was found murdered in a closet, and now everyone is afraid someone else could be next.

Unfortunately, no other murders were committed during this party, but you must work quickly to solve the crime. The murderer might strike again at any moment—you’d better get cracking!

Each member of your team chooses a number from 1 to 10 (using anything as a reference point). Each player then makes his or her selection privately without revealing it to anyone. If there is more than one correct answer, try drawing straws to determine who goes first.

Once you’ve made your choice, write down the letter of the item you chose in the appropriate space provided: A = desk, B = chair, C= refrigerator, etc., and so forth. Then compare notes with the others on what you wrote and use them to help you figure out which items are missing.

Use the spaces marked “Object” for clues about where the object may be located. Be sure to fill in everything on your form: once you start guessing, you can’t change your mind. Make as many guesses as you like until someone gets it right. Whoever solves the mystery wins.

A. Hitting the Jackpot

You’ve just won big at the casino, but a sudden windfall always comes with strings attached. The person who originally owned the winning ticket is dead now, and she left behind a lot of relatives who aren’t too happy to find themselves suddenly rich.

They claim the money belongs to them, and they’ll do whatever it takes to reclaim their inheritance… including killing you. But don’t worry, because after dying once already in this same game, you’re much tougher than your younger self ever dreamed possible.

In this murder mystery game, the players act as members of a jury deciding the fate of a man accused of murdering his wife. During deliberations, each juror must secretly choose whether to believe him or not. The jurors’ opinions may be swayed by the evidence presented during the trial, but the true killer may be revealed before that happens.

The guilty verdict means you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison, while the innocent man will be acquitted and set free. If you vote unanimously to acquit, you win. Otherwise, the jury is hung, and you lose.

Your friends are throwing a surprise birthday party for you tonight, and you’ve got something important to take care of, so you need to leave early. Unfortunately, when you arrive at your house, you find it empty, and some of your things are missing.

Someone must have broken into your place while you were gone, but you haven’t heard any noise. Are you sure your home wasn’t robbed? Or did someone come to kill you instead?

You’re going shopping for groceries, and you’re looking forward to picking up a few things you can’t usually find in town. At the market, though, you notice that nobody seems to want to sell you any food. Is it safe to leave your basket full of produce at the checkout counter? Better check around and see if anyone is selling anything else—just in case!

Your parents are getting a divorce, and your mother needs your help: she’s trapped inside the garage with your father, who has locked himself in to stop her from leaving. He claims he loves her, but she knows he’s lying. What should you do?

Should you go back outside to find help, or wait here for your mother to escape? Remember, you don’t know how long she’s been shut inside—you might end up being stuck with that man forever!

It was supposed to be a quick trip to the country, and you spent the whole day enjoying yourself in a quiet little town. When the train finally pulled away from the station, though, you noticed someone had put a gun to your head and told you to jump off the moving vehicle.

Now you’re hurtling toward a deep ravine, and it looks like you’re going to die. Will you accept death as your reward for such a stupid decision, or do you have the guts to fight back and survive?

Someone has poisoned your favorite plant, and you just happen to be sitting nearby when it starts to wilt. You know what that means—the poison is airborne, and you could very well be infected. Can you get away from the plant before you catch it, or will you end up succumbing to its deadly effects?

The police are investigating a series of brutal murders, and they’ve asked you to examine all the available evidence. This case is personal for you: one of the victims was your sister, who was killed soon after you came to live with your aunt. But you’ve never seen the killer, so maybe you can still solve the case and avenge your family.

Someone has stolen your bike, and you’d really like it back. So, instead of calling the cops, you decide to hide near the scene of the crime and wait for whoever stole it to return. After watching your bicycle for several hours, though, you realize no one is coming, and you’re starting to feel nervous. Maybe you shouldn’t stay here alone anymore.

You’re on a date with a girl you met online, and she wants to take you somewhere special. As you walk through the city together, she tells you about an old, abandoned mansion where you can sit back and relax without worrying about prying eyes.

Sounds great, right? Oh, and she also says there’s a secret way inside. Is she telling the truth? And if she is, will you be able to sneak past the guards and make your way to the basement, where the two of you can enjoy the privacy you both crave?

The police are questioning you about a recent bank robbery. It’s obvious to everyone that you didn’t commit the crime, but they’re not taking any chances. The detectives are convinced you’re hiding something, and they think your fingerprints are all over the money bags. Your only hope is to prove that you weren’t involved, and if you can’t, you’ll spend the rest of your life behind bars.

Someone has been stealing packages left outside your front door, and you’ve caught the thief red-handed. Instead of calling the police, though, you decide to confront him directly. But the guy seems pretty scared, and he’s ready to run. Will you let him go, or do you have the guts to chase down the criminal and stop him from escaping?

Your grandmother has passed away, and you’re struggling to deal with her loss. She was always proud of you, and you know she would want you to keep your chin up and continue living your life.

Unfortunately, you haven’t even bothered to call your friends since she died: you’re too busy dealing with your own grief. Should you tell them now, or hold out until you’ve recovered from this terrible blow?

One evening, you’re driving home from work, and you come across a car accident. Fortunately, people involved in the crash seem to be okay, but you’re shaken by what happened. You pull over and try to help, but the other driver refuses to cooperate.

If you want to prevent anyone from being injured, you need to stop the man from fleeing the scene of the accident. Do you have the guts to follow him into the woods, or will you let him leave and risk losing another friend?

You’ve been invited to a party at a big mansion owned by a wealthy businessman—a man who lives an extravagant lifestyle and likes to throw extravagant parties. But the house is enormous, and you’re worried you won’t be able to find your way around. Can you avoid getting lost in this maze, and can you eventually find a way to sneak inside your host’s bedroom? Or will you give up and go home?

You’ve spent months searching for a missing person, and you finally manage to find her. But before you can tell anyone, the woman vanishes again. Frustrated, you turn to the authorities for help, but you’re told you must first pay a hefty fee. What do you do, and how much is this case worth to you?

One night, you’re awakened by a noise in your apartment. As you stand up to investigate, you notice someone wearing a ski mask creeping toward your kitchen. Are these burglars breaking and entering, or are they waiting for you to fall asleep? Either way, you’re going to need to act quickly.

At least three children have gone missing from your neighborhood within the last week, and the police suspect the same serial kidnapper is responsible. But as you watch news coverage of the investigation, you start to worry.

Were you the target, or did you miss some crucial clue that might have helped save one of the kids? Did you ever see anything suspicious, or were you too preoccupied with your own problems to pay attention?

A few years ago, you had a close friend who went missing. He seemed to have everything, and you never thought twice about his disappearance. Now, though, you’re haunted by vivid dreams about him.

They’re so real that you’ve started to wonder if he’s still alive, and you’ve found yourself spending more time at the place where you used to hang out with him. Could you actually be seeing him, or could it just be your imagination playing tricks on you?

You’re walking home after a long day of work when you pass a group of teenagers sitting under the trees in your local park. Suddenly, the youngest child starts screaming, and you hear the sound of glass shattering. You rush forward to find the girl lying face down in the grass, her hands clutching a broken bottle. How badly hurt is she, and will you be able to convince the cops to get involved?

It’s late at night, and you’re walking home alone when you spot a stranger wandering along the street ahead. She doesn’t look like a threat, but you don’t feel comfortable approaching her. Should you wait for her to reach your front gate, or should you walk into the darkness and put some distance between you?

After an exhausting day at work, you return home and find a note from your spouse telling you that you’re needed back at the office. You’d love to join your family for dinner, but you promised you’d stay with the company for at least another year. Will you break your promise, or will you make sure you’re safe before returning to the building?

A band of armed men has invaded your home, and you’re trapped in the basement. While you’re struggling to free yourself, you hear the door open upstairs. Your wife and daughter are about to be abducted, and there seems to be no one else on hand to help. Will you risk your life to rescue them, or will you pretend you’re dead and hope the intruders leave peacefully?

The End

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