The Boxer From Bronx

The Boxer From Bronx

The Boxer From Bronx

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Buddy was slowly walking home from his match today when he saw a familiar face. He had seen her before, but only briefly and in passing; she lived on the same street as him so it wasn’t too surprising to see someone you knew around your neighborhood.

She looked like an older version of Buddy’s mother: tall with long black hair that hung down past her shoulders. Her skin was dark brown while her eyes were blue-gray. The woman wore jeans shorts over white leggings along with a loose-fitting shirt tied at the waist by a thin leather belt.

It seemed odd for such warm weather since most people would be wearing something more comfortable than pants or skirts during this time of year, especially if they didn’t have air conditioning available where they live. But then again, maybe she just liked being hot? That could explain why she dressed how she did…or not!

“Hey there!” said Buddy cheerfully as he approached her. “I’m surprised I haven’t run into you sooner.”

She smiled back at him. “Yeah well…” she paused and glanced behind herself “…you know what happens after school?”

He laughed nervously. “Uh yeah,” he replied sheepishly. His heart began beating faster now because he realized who it was standing right next to him. This beautiful young lady was none other than his neighbor Mrs. Lopez.

They’d never spoken much beyond hello though, mostly due to their age difference (she was probably about ten years younger) which made them feel awkward whenever they ran across each other outside. Now here he is talking to her out loud without even realizing it.

What should he say?! Should he ask her name first? Or go straight ahead and tell her all about himself? No, wait, shouldn’t he start off small? Maybe talk about some sports stuff instead? Oh god, am I doing this wrong!?

Mrs. Lopez noticed the way Buddy was fidgeting beside her. “You look nervous,” she noted. “Is everything alright?”

His cheeks turned redder still. “Oh uhm no ma’am,” he stammered. “It’s nothing really.”

Her smile grew wider. “Well don’t worry, we’re both adults here so whatever you want to share will stay between us.”

That got Buddy thinking. Was she trying to flirt with him? Did she find him attractive? Why else would she offer up such a bold statement like that…? Wait, does she mean me specifically? Is she flirting with ME!? Holy shit! My mind went blank for several seconds until finally, my brain started working again. “Uhm okay then,” he managed to get out. “What do you wanna hear?”

“Anything you’ve ever wanted to discuss,” she answered simply.

Now it was Buddy’s turn to blush. How can I possibly choose one thing from all these topics floating through my head? There are literally hundreds of things I could bring up. And yet somehow I manage to come up empty-handed.

Then suddenly another thought popped into my mind. If I told her about myself, wouldn’t that make her think less of me? After all, I’m just a kid. A little boy compared to her. So why risk ruining our relationship before it has any chance of getting going?

Besides, isn’t it better to keep quiet and let her wonder whether I might actually be interested in her romantically? Yeah, that sounds good enough. Let’s try that approach.

So I decided to play dumb and act nonchalant toward her advances. “Okay then,” I responded casually. “How ’bout we talk about baseball!?”

Both women burst out laughing. “Baseball huh?” asked Mrs. Lopez.

“Yup,” I nodded enthusiastically. “My favorite sport. You?”

She shrugged. “Not sure. Never played anything besides basketball growing up. Although I guess football counts as soccer doesn’t it?”

We continued chatting away for a while longer until eventually, we reached her house. As soon as we arrived, she invited me inside. We sat down together on the couch and chatted for quite some time. Eventually, however, we ended up discussing sex and relationships.

At least, I assumed that was what she meant when she brought up those subjects. All I remember is that I kept blushing throughout the entire conversation. By the end of it, I felt exhausted mentally and physically. Thankfully, she offered to help me relax by giving me a massage.

Once she finished rubbing my muscles, I fell asleep almost instantly. When I woke up later, I found myself alone in bed.


A few days passed and I hadn’t heard from either of them since. Not surprisingly, I received a phone call shortly afterward asking me if I remembered meeting Mrs. Lopez recently. Of course, I did. But how could I forget something like that!? It had been an amazing experience…and not just sexually speaking.

She seemed genuinely nice too. Plus, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. The more time passes, the harder it becomes to focus on anything else. Even worse, every single day I see her walking around town wearing tight-fitting clothes or showing off her body while shopping.

Every once in a while she’ll catch me looking at her and give me a wink. Sometimes she’ll even walk over and stand right next to me. Those moments always leave me feeling weak in the knees.

I tried calling her but she didn’t pick up. Instead, she sent me a text message saying she wasn’t home. That only left me wondering where exactly she was. Had she gone somewhere far away? Perhaps she took a trip overseas?

Either way, I knew I needed to visit her place sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, there were two problems: 1.) Her address was unknown 2.) I have absolutely no idea how to drive. Luckily, though, I know someone who knows somebody.

In fact, this person happens to live very close to Mrs. Lopez. He also happened to teach me how to ride a bike back when I first moved to America. His name is Mr. Smith. I called him up and explained my situation. To my surprise, he agreed to take me to her house after school today. What luck! Now I won’t need to wait much longer to meet her again.

When I showed up at his door, he greeted me warmly. “Hey Buddy!” he said cheerfully. “Thanks for coming by. Come on in.”

He led me upstairs to his living room. Sitting comfortably on the sofa was a middle-aged man with short brown hair. Next to him was a young girl sitting cross-legged on the floor playing video games. Both looked familiar. They must be related to each other. Or maybe they’re friends?

Whatever their relationship may be, I immediately recognized them because of the resemblance between them. This guy looks like Mrs. Lopez’s husband! Wait a minute…isn’t he supposed to be dead?!

Mr. Smith smiled and waved hello. “Hello everyone,” he replied. “This here’s my son Michael and my daughter-in-law Rachelle. Say hi kids!”

The couple both turned toward us and gave friendly waves. “Hi, Mister…” began the woman.

“Smith,” interrupted the father.

“…Dad,” completed the teenage girl.

They introduced themselves properly and shook hands. “Nice to finally meet you guys,” I added.

Michael stood up and walked over to shake my hand. “It’s great to meet another fan of our mommy dearest,” he grinned.

Rachelle giggled. “You mean your MILF mother?”

Everyone laughed. Including me.

Mrs. Lopez came into view behind her family. She wore a white tank top and black yoga pants. A pair of sunglasses hid most of her face. However, I still caught sight of her beautiful smile. My heart skipped a beat upon seeing her.

Then she spotted me standing nearby and approached slowly. Without warning, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. For some reason, I froze stiff. I can feel her breasts pressing against my chest. And then she kissed me on the cheek.

After releasing me, she stepped aside and let me look at her. I stared intently at her gorgeous features. There was so much beauty packed onto such a tiny frame. From her long dark hair to her sparkling eyes, everything about her radiated femininity and sensuality.

As usual, she smelled wonderful. Like flowers mixed with sweet perfume. I felt myself getting hard as a rock. If anyone saw what was happening, I’d probably get arrested. Fortunately, nobody noticed. Everyone kept talking amongst themselves. Except for me. All I wanted to do was stare at her. So I did.

She glanced down at herself and realized she was practically naked. With a quick glance toward her children, she quickly covered up before any awkwardness occurred. Afterward, she sat beside me and we talked casually until dinner arrived.

We discussed various topics ranging from work to sports to current events. Everything was going smoothly except for one thing: I never got to ask her out. At least not directly. The whole time, all I could think about was asking if it would be okay to go on a date together sometime soon.

But every single opportunity slipped through my fingers. It seemed that whenever I opened my mouth, something else popped in its place instead. Eventually, I had to give up trying. Besides, I couldn’t really blame her for being hesitant since I’m just an ordinary high school student.

Still, I hoped things might change once I graduated college. Maybe even marry her someday. Who knows? Anything was possible now that I’d met her again.


A few days passed without incident. On Saturday morning, I woke up early to prepare breakfast. When I went downstairs to start cooking, I found Mrs. Lopez already awake. She was wearing a light blue t-shirt and matching shorts. Her body was toned and fit. Not bad for a forty-year-old lady.

I wondered why she didn’t wear anything more revealing. Was she embarrassed or shy? Regardless, I decided to keep quiet. Instead, I focused on making pancakes while she watched TV. Once finished, we ate and cleaned up afterward. Afterward, I helped her clean the kitchen.

That took quite a while considering how messy she left it last night. Finally done cleaning, I headed back upstairs to take a shower. Before leaving, I asked her where she planned on spending the day.

“I’ll be heading home today after lunch,” she explained. “My parents are visiting relatives in New York City this weekend. Since there won’t be anybody here to watch the house, I thought I should leave first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Oh yeah,” I responded. “That makes sense. You don’t want someone breaking into the house when no one is around right?”

“Exactly,” agreed Mrs. Lopez. “Plus, I need to pick up some groceries anyway. Do you mind watching the house for me?”

“No problem,” I answered. “Just make sure to lock up tight before driving away. Also, try not to spend too much money. Don’t worry though; I have plenty of cash saved up for emergencies.”

“Thanks honey,” said Mrs. Lopez gratefully. “Now hurry up and finish taking your bath. I wanna head off before noon. Oh! By the way… I forgot to mention earlier. Your dad called yesterday evening. He wants to talk to you later tonight. Something about him coming by the house to drop off his laptop. Is that alright?”

“Yeah, that sounds fine,” I replied. “Is he gonna stay overnight?”

“Probably not,” she chuckled nervously. “He doesn’t like staying anywhere longer than two nights. Anyway, gotta run dear. See ya!”

With that, she rushed out the door. Leaving me alone inside the empty house. Alone with only thoughts running through my head. Thoughts about our past relationship. About how amazing it used to be between us. How close we were.

What happened to those feelings? Why did they disappear over time? Did I push them away? Or did she? Either way, I knew deep down that nothing will ever happen between us again. Even if I tried to pursue her romantically, she wouldn’t return my affection.

No matter how many times I begged her to reconsider, she always refused me. In fact, she’s been avoiding me lately. Which made me wonder whether she still loved me anymore. And if so, why hasn’t she told me yet?

The End

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