Sweeties Of Reality

Sweeties Of Reality

Sweeties Of Reality

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The first time I saw her, she was in a bar. She had on this black dress that showed off the most beautiful legs and ass you’d ever seen. Her hair was long but pulled back into a ponytail with some of it falling down over one shoulder.

The way she moved made me think about how good it would feel to have those thighs wrapped around my head as I licked up every inch of her pussy. And when she smiled at me from across the room… well, let’s just say that after ten minutes we were sitting together talking like old friends who hadn’t seen each other for years instead of two people meeting for the first time.

We talked until closing time and then walked out onto the street arm-in-arm. It wasn’t long before we found ourselves in my apartment where she sat on the couch while I poured us both glasses of wine.

“You know,” she said looking deep into my eyes “I’ve never done anything like this before.” As soon as those words left her mouth, I knew what she meant by them. This woman didn’t do things like this; not without a lot more preparation than she’d given herself tonight.

But somehow, in spite of all that, or maybe because of it, something inside me wanted to show her everything she could possibly want. So I told her exactly what I thought she needed to hear.

“Don’t worry sweetie,” I continued. “It’ll be fun. Relax and enjoy yourself.” Then, realizing I probably should have stopped there, I went ahead and added: “And if you need any help relaxing…”

She laughed and took another sip of wine. “That sounds perfect!” she exclaimed. “But don’t get too comfortable. You’re going to have your work cut out for you.”

For the next hour and a half, she did indeed have her work cut out for her. And although I’m sure she enjoyed it immensely (and so did I), she still looked nervous as hell when I finally finished. And even though I tried hard to make her feel better, I couldn’t hide the fact that I felt pretty damn proud of myself.

When she got dressed again, she thanked me profusely and promised that she wouldn’t forget our evening together. That night I slept very soundly knowing that somewhere out there was a new woman whose life might now be changed forever thanks to me.

A few days later, I ran into her at the grocery store and asked if she remembered coming over that weekend. She blushed and admitted that yes, she did remember. When I told her that I hoped she’d call sometime, she seemed surprised but quickly agreed. Two weeks passed before she called. After exchanging pleasantries, she came right out with it.

“So,” she began, “what happened?”

“What do you mean ‘what’ happened? What else is there to tell?”

“Well, I can see from the look on your face that something must have gone wrong.”

“Wrong! Nothing went wrong. Everything worked out perfectly.”

“Perfectly? How could it possibly be perfect unless you slept with her?”

“No, no, nothing like that. She was wonderful. By far the best lay I’ve ever had.”

“Then why are you asking me this question?”

“Because I’m curious. Why does it seem like everyone has sex except me? Is it because I’m not pretty enough, or smart enough, or sexy enough, or…? Whatever it is doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters to me now is finding someone who will sleep with me just once.”

There was silence on the phone line for several seconds. Finally, I spoke. “Sweetie, listen to me carefully. There’s only one thing that makes a person interesting. One trait that separates the men from the boys. If you haven’t figured out what that trait is yet, then you’re going to spend the rest of your life alone.

The reason women find certain guys attractive isn’t because they’re handsome, rich, funny, charming, tall, strong, intelligent, or whatever. It’s simply because these guys are confident. They believe in themselves and their abilities. Because of that confidence, they attract attention wherever they go.

Women notice them. Men notice them. People in general pay attention to them. And as a result, they get laid. Now here’s an example of what I mean. Let’s take Bill Gates. He may be one of the richest men in the world, but he also happens to be ugly.

Yet his wealth gives him the ability to buy himself the most beautiful woman in the entire world. In fact, he could probably afford to hire the hottest adult star in America and still save money. But because he believes in himself and his abilities, he doesn’t bother.

Instead, he uses his billions to fund cutting-edge scientific research projects around the globe. And because he believes in himself, he gets away with it. Do you understand how important self-confidence is?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Good. Here’s another example. Take Tiger Woods. He’s considered by many to be the greatest golfer in history. But despite being one of the fittest athletes alive, he’s overweight. This means that nobody would consider him physically attractive.

However, because he knows he can play golf better than anyone else on earth, he’s able to use that knowledge to overcome his physical shortcomings. And because he’s self-confident, people respect him. And as a result, he attracts women like crazy.

So while it’s true that looks aren’t everything, they certainly count for something. And the same holds true for personality traits such as intelligence and charm. They can sometimes compensate for lack of good looks, but in most cases, they won’t carry the day.”

“I guess I never thought about it that way before.”

“Of course not. Nobody thinks that way until they actually meet somebody who shows them otherwise. Now let me ask you this: Would you rather be rich and unattractive, or poor but attractive?”

“Rich, definitely.”


“Because I want to live my life without worrying about having enough food to eat every day, where I’ll sleep tonight, or whether I’ll have any money left after paying rent. Or even worse, not having a place to stay at all.

And besides, I don’t need a lot of money to become rich. Just $10 million should be more than sufficient. Then, when I die, I can leave that much to charity, which will make me feel really great about myself. Plus, I know that whoever ends up with the remaining millions will enjoy it just as much as I would have.”

“You’re right. You don’t need a lot of money to be happy. But I’d say that you’re missing the point. Money can’t buy happiness. Only self-esteem and confidence can do that. And if you don’t have those things, you’re going to end up miserable. No amount of money can change that.

Besides, you shouldn’t care about what other people think anyway. That’s their problem, not yours. Like I said earlier, you’re going to spend the rest of your life alone. Not because you’re not pretty enough, or smart enough, or sexy enough, or…whatever.

But because you’re too insecure to admit that you’re not good-looking, smart enough, sexy enough, etc., and instead blame others for your problems. Trust me, that’s your biggest fault. And unfortunately, there’s nothing anybody can do to help you fix it. At least not until you grow up.”

“Well, thanks for listening to me rant and rave like that,” she replied. “It felt kind of good getting it off my chest.”

“Sure, no problem. I’m glad I could be of assistance.”

“Thanks again, Dad. I love you so much!”


The next morning, I received a call from Jennifer’s dad. We talked for nearly two hours. During our conversation, he told me that he had been worried sick about her ever since we last saw each other. When I asked why he explained that he knew that she wasn’t behaving herself lately.

She hadn’t come home for dinner in over a week, and he couldn’t reach her by phone either. Finally, after several days went by, and still no word, he decided to drive out to see her. Unfortunately, when he arrived at the house, he found it empty and locked up tight.

After knocking on the door repeatedly, and calling her cell phone, he finally called the police. It took four officers to pry open the front door. Once inside, they discovered that she was nowhere to be seen. The only thing left behind were some clothes strewn across the floor.

“She must’ve gone somewhere,” the officer said. “But where? There are hundreds of places in town to go hide. Even if someone did take her, how would they find her again?”

“How about the library?” I suggested. “That’s where I used to hang out during my teenage years. Maybe she did the same.”

“Maybe. Let me check into it.”

So, the following day, I drove down to the local branch of the public library. I walked around the building three times, trying to spot anything unusual, but I didn’t notice anything suspicious. All I noticed was a large crowd of teenagers hanging out together near the entrance.

Most of them appeared to be girls, but I also spotted a few guys among them. None of them paid any attention to me.

After spending an hour browsing through the bookshelves, I headed back outside. By then, most of the kids had already left. As I approached the main entrance, however, I heard voices coming from inside. One voice sounded familiar.

I stopped and listened carefully, but couldn’t tell who it belonged to. So, I stepped closer and peeked inside. Two young women stood talking quietly to one another. Both looked very pretty. They both wore jeans and T-shirts, with matching sneakers.

Their hair was long and straight, and they both had big brown eyes. Each girl had a small backpack slung over her shoulder. From the looks of it, I guessed that the taller of the two was probably Jennifer.

I stayed hidden behind the bushes for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly they were saying. It seemed to be a private conversation between friends, so I continued walking toward the entrance. Before entering the building, though, I turned around and scanned the area once more.

I still couldn’t see anyone else lurking nearby. So, I entered the library and made my way over to the desk. A middle-aged woman sat behind it, reading a magazine. She glanced up briefly as I approached, then returned to her book.

“Hi,” I said. “Do you happen to know these two young ladies?”

“No, sorry,” she replied. “They just came in here this morning. Haven’t seen them leave yet. Why?”

“Just curious. I thought maybe you might recognize them.”

“Sorry, I haven’t seen…” Her gaze suddenly focused on something beyond me. “Oh! Hi, honey. Didn’t expect to see you today.”

The second voice belonged to Jennifer. I turned around and saw her standing beside the counter. Next to her, leaning against the wall, was a tall man wearing glasses. He was staring directly at me. His expressionless face bore little resemblance to his daughter’s beautiful visage.

“Hello, Mr. Jones,” he said. “What can I do for you?”

“Can I help you, sir?” the librarian asked.

“Yes, please,” he answered. “This gentleman is looking for a particular book. Do you have it in stock?”

“Certainly. What’s the title?”

He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her. Then he waited patiently while she read it.

“Okay, I’ll look it up right away. Just give me a minute or two.”

“Thank you,” he replied.

Jennifer watched him closely as he spoke. She smiled politely, then leaned forward and whispered something into her father’s ear. The man nodded slightly, then turned back to the librarian.

“Excuse me,” he said. “We’re going now. Thank you for your time.”

With that, he turned and began making his way towards the exit. Jennifer followed close behind him. Once they’d disappeared from view, the librarian reached under the counter and retrieved the book. She took it over to me and placed it gently on top of the stack of other books.

“Here you go, sir. This should be all you need.”


As I started to walk past the checkout counter, the librarian called out to me.

“Mr. Jones? Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“Not at the moment, no. Thanks anyway.”

I walked out of the library and headed home. When I arrived, I found my wife sitting on the couch watching television. She glanced up when I entered the living room, then went back to her show. I sat down next to her and we talked about our plans for the rest of the day.

We decided to get some lunch first, then head out shopping later in the afternoon. Afterward, we planned to stop by the grocery store before heading home.

Halfway through dinner, however, I received a call from Detective Morgan. He wanted to ask me a couple of questions regarding the incident earlier that week. At first, I told him that I wasn’t sure if I could make it work.

But after thinking things over, I agreed to meet him at the police station tomorrow morning. That would allow me plenty of time to prepare for my meeting with Jennifer.


The next morning, I woke up early and got ready for school. My dad dropped me off at the front gate. I managed to catch Jennifer before class started, which gave us enough time to talk privately. As usual, she looked amazing.

She wore an emerald green dress that hugged her curves perfectly. And even though she had a few people hovering around her, she never let it bother her. Instead, she greeted each person individually, smiling warmly.

When it was finally time to start classes, I noticed Jennifer talking to one of the teachers outside her classroom. They appeared to be having a serious discussion. I assumed that she must’ve been asking for special accommodations during the test.

Either that, or she was simply seeking advice on how best to study. Whatever the case, I didn’t want to interrupt their conversation. So, I quickly slipped inside the classroom and took a seat near the back.

After the bell rang, the teacher announced that everyone needed to take out their textbooks. Then he introduced himself and explained what was expected of us. He also reminded us that we weren’t allowed to use any notes or other resources during the exam. Everything we needed to pass, he assured us, was contained within those pages.

Once the class was dismissed, Jennifer rushed over to where I stood waiting for her. She was carrying a small brown bag. It seemed like she’d brought extra copies of the textbook along with her. She held the bag open so I could see its contents.

“Hey, Alex!” she exclaimed excitedly. “How did it go last night?”

“It was okay,” I replied. “You?”

She shook her head sadly. “I’m afraid not.”

“Why’s that?”

Her eyes filled with tears. “Because I couldn’t find the answers anywhere! I tried everything I knew, but nothing worked. By the end of the evening, I felt completely defeated. If only I hadn’t taken this stupid test in the first place…”

“Don’t worry, Jen,” I reassured her. “Things will turn out fine.”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right.”

Then she paused, staring directly into my eyes. Her voice suddenly became much softer.

“Alex, I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. You don’t know how happy it makes me feel knowing that someone cares about me.”

“Of course, I care about you, Jen. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Well, because I hate myself. I always have. Ever since I was little, I hated being different. All I ever wanted was to fit in. To belong somewhere. But instead, I ended up here. In this freakish body.”

“Jen, please calm down,” I urged her. “Everything is going to be alright.”

Suddenly, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. I stared at her in shock, unsure of whether or not to pull away from her touch. Then she released my hand, turned toward the door, and hurried inside the building.

A few minutes later, Jennifer returned to her desk. She remained silent throughout the remainder of the period. I watched as she carefully placed her books on top of the desk. Afterward, she leaned forward and rested her elbows against the surface.

She closed her eyes, then began to rock gently back and forth. Even though I wanted to say something to comfort her, I kept quiet. I figured it might upset her more than anything else.

Finally, the bell rang. The teacher collected all of our tests and handed them back to us. Just before leaving the classroom, he instructed us to stay behind until everyone was finished. Once again, I waited alone while Jennifer walked past me without saying a word.

As soon as the final student left the room, the teacher motioned for me to come closer. He asked if I was planning to attend college next year. Before answering his question, I considered telling him why I didn’t plan on doing so.

However, I decided against it. I didn’t think there was any point in worrying anyone further. Besides, maybe they’d just assume that I was still undecided about my future plans. Or perhaps some of them already knew that I was gay. Regardless, I preferred keeping it a secret.

“Yes, sir,” I said in reply. “I am.”

He nodded approvingly. Then he smiled warmly at me. “Good luck with your exams, Alex.”


That afternoon, I met Jennifer outside of the school gates. We were both heading home together. When we arrived at her house, she invited me inside. I accepted, then followed her through the living room and into the kitchen. While we sat at the table drinking tea, she told me about her day.

“My English teacher gave me a C-plus,” she mumbled. “And my math teacher made me redo the entire test. Apparently, I got almost every answer wrong. That means I’ll probably get an F on the whole thing. And now I’m even more determined to drop out after graduation.”

“Oh, no,” I gasped. “What are you talking about? Don’t give up yet, Jen. Things can change. They will.”

“But how do you know?” she countered. “Maybe I should just quit trying altogether. Maybe I shouldn’t bother applying to colleges. Better to accept reality, rather than wasting time wishing things could be different.”

“No way,” I objected. “This isn’t true. People like you deserve better.”

Jennifer looked at me quizzically. “People like me?”

“Sure,” I insisted. “There’s nothing special about you. You’re just another regular girl. A beautiful one, too. So tell me, why does everyone treat you differently? Why do they make fun of you?”

“They don’t mean anything by it,” she responded defensively. “Everyone has their own problems. Everyone goes through tough times in life.”

“So what if they do?” I pressed. “You shouldn’t let other people dictate who you are. If you want to be treated equally, then prove to them that you deserve it!”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter anyway. No one would ever accept me. Not after what happened last night.”

“Wait, what did happen?” I demanded. “Tell me everything.”

“Okay, well… I went over to my friend Kate’s house,” she explained. “We had planned to study for tomorrow’s history exam together. But when I arrived, I saw her parents arguing in front of the television. I couldn’t believe my ears! It sounded like they were fighting. About me, specifically.”

“Whoa…” I gulped. “Why would they fight about you?”

“Because apparently, they found out that I wasn’t born a female,” she replied bitterly. “Apparently, they were shocked. Shocked beyond belief.”

“Wow,” I murmured.

Jennifer paused for a moment, thinking hard about her response. Finally, she continued speaking.

“Kate tried to explain the situation to them,” she said. “She told them that I’ve always been this way. That I used to wear dresses and play with dolls when I was little. But they wouldn’t listen. Instead, her father started yelling at her.

Saying that she was lying. That she must have done something terrible to bring such shame upon the family name. Eventually, Kate lost control and stormed off upstairs. Her mother followed her a short while later. She was crying hysterically. Afterward, they both apologized profusely. Told me not to worry about it anymore. Then they dismissed me from the house.”

“How awful,” I sighed.

“Yeah… I guess you could say that” she agreed. “Anyway, I came straight here afterward. To see if you wanted to hang out.”

“Of course,” I assured her. “Let’s go somewhere else instead. Somewhere where we won’t run into them.”

The two of us headed towards the door. As we walked down the hallway, I noticed a picture hanging above the fireplace. The image depicted a young man standing beside a woman dressed in traditional Japanese garb.

Both of them wore long black robes, decorated with elaborate patterns. Their faces were covered with white masks, which resembled those worn during the Edo period. In addition, they each held a sword in their hands. From behind, the pair appeared to be staring directly at me.

“Is that you?” I asked curiously.

“Yup,” Jennifer confirmed. “My brother is a samurai. He taught me all about his culture.”

“Cool,” I remarked.

“Well, I’d love to stay longer,” she added. “But I promised my mom I’d help around the house tonight. My dad works late, so she wants me to keep him company.”

“Sounds good,” I replied. “See ya tomorrow.”

After saying goodbye, I left Jennifer’s house. Once again, I began walking back home. However, before I reached the end of the block, I heard footsteps approaching from behind. When I turned around, I spotted a tall figure wearing dark clothing. Although he was still several yards away, I recognized him immediately: Michael.

“Hey, Mikey,” I greeted. “I didn’t expect to see you today.”

“Neither did I,” he admitted. “But I figured you might need some backup.”

“Thanks,” I smiled. “Didn’t think anyone would come along. Guess I got lucky.”

Michael nodded. “That you did. Now, let’s get moving.”

Together, we made our way up the street. We passed numerous houses on the way, but none of them seemed to belong to any of the residents living nearby. Upon reaching the corner, I glanced across the road. Just as I expected, there was no sign of Jennifer or her parents. They must have already gone inside by now.

“Do you really think they’ll show up?” I wondered aloud.

“Probably not,” Michael shrugged. “If they’re smart enough, they should know better than to mess with you. Especially after what happened yesterday.”

“True,” I agreed. “Still, it can’t hurt to take precautions.”

When we reached the next intersection, I stopped and looked both ways. There was nobody around, so I crossed the street without hesitation. Before continuing onwards, however, I took a quick glance back. Then, just as I suspected, I caught sight of a familiar face heading in my direction.

“Oh crap!” I gasped. “They’re coming, aren’t they?!”

Without warning, Michael grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. Meanwhile, the person who approached drew closer. A few seconds later, she finally stepped onto the sidewalk. I knew exactly who she was. And judging by how quickly she closed the distance between us, she knew I did too.

“Hi, Mommy,” I groaned.

The End

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