Rebirth Of A Man

Rebirth Of A Man

Rebirth Of A Man

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A cold wind was blowing off the mountain that night. As it came up, snow started to fall through what would have been a clear sky on most nights and heavy snow soon coated everything in sight: tree branches were now completely bare of their leaves; every building along Main Street had its windows tightly shut against winter’s chill despite only being late autumn at best.

Even though it couldn’t be seen from anywhere other than the very top or bottom parts of town – both inaccessible due to mountains obstructing visibility over much more ground area than is reasonable for one single settlement to occupy safely – the darkness could still be felt filling the air with something sinister as people huddled inside all their houses and stores…

Everyone knew why this time around was so bitter-cold and snowy too, however: just like last year! And the two years before that! Since they first saw the night skies go black forever during those terrifying days following The Day With No Stars – where the sky should always be full of light no matter how dark and gloomy things got outside regardless – not even a whisper among these residents ever said otherwise – not even once; nobody could bring themselves to ask such questions anymore since they’d heard it straight from one living person who knew better than any other about such matters (at least he/she didn’t know there weren’t really stars after The Event until long afterward!).

So instead, everyone held tight in order to survive another miserable winter as Mother Nature went into yet another major depressive episode towards her own mysterious and inexplicable goals, leaving us alone but helplessly together without support wherever we may stand amid whatever condition she finally gets out of this current crisis. Until next summertime returns with our second chance at life…

Dreading further unpleasant weather, even more, freezing cold than the usual harsh conditions brought forth by nature itself which lasted through each passing spring day throughout entire summers, now falling upon them again much earlier in the season than anybody would have dared hope…

Forgetting How To Smile,

The Chosen Ones In Charge At All Times (TM)! ™

But hey; let’s make do with what we’ve got ’til someone helps me get my shit straightened out then I’ll smile from ear to bloody EAR – in case you didn’t catch on to it! See? Smiling already as good as can be expected in spite of what comes down the road, if some idiot forgets his name this coming August 22nd in Northern Hemisphere where daylight savings begins today for goodness sakes!! 😉

In order not to take this situation any longer when the dark days began to sink their ugly teeth deep back into civilization sometime close to midwinter last year; no sooner did everybody turn eighteen for legal reasons anyway; it seemed as if time stopped ticking away relentlessly one way or the other when the rest of their lives and the world ended with unspeakable terror. Every ounce of strength drained instantly when confronted by an ultimate surprise… which caused the descent into depression beyond comprehension afterward even more.

Nowhere to run nor hide this time either given there are no safety zones left to find inside the human sphere that lies within Earth’s solar system because no amount of running will save anyone now because the sun has already burned itself out and doesn’t seem to care much what happens to anything else here going forward besides a few million humans scattered around everywhere none of whom need saving or salvation anytime soon whatsoever while the planet goes through total destruction starting tomorrow night at 8 pm EDT (i.e.: four hours away). But it is possible for each individual to make a difference, you know: don’t worry.

There must be lots of others equally clueless wandering around right near me trying desperately to figure out why such nasty conditions exist far deeper down the timeline than anticipated during that endless boring endgame months ago even if things turned totally lethal shortly after 9 am EST last Monday morning just two weeks hence according to the Mayan calendar, on one hand, followed closely by the exact same date under the Hindu new year observed yesterday in Asia because those peoples also enjoy having special dates to remember various important anniversaries of sorts like holidays and seasons like ours… except their calendars apparently have to start over and over whenever they realize the big zero is no longer relevant… damn if it isn’t a real mess either way!

Well enough said since we’re dealing with history repeating itself the past three consecutive years thanks to Mother Nature being thrown into the abyss when the majority of her celestial power sources (stars) winked out of existence back on December 21st, 2012 marking a New World Order one century later! Her suicidal spree continues now from North America onward until reaching Central Europe by Spring 2016 with only Eastern countries still getting to remain uninhabited throughout most of Winter 2016 onwards thanks to their locations located farther north; likewise China, India, and many other Asian countries between Korea and Siberia keeping those highly dangerous winters going almost all the way through July 2017 depending on where one stands geographically to begin with – maybe? What say you, Kukuluki???

Don’t forget the yearly flooding due to global warming combined with extreme rainfall in parts of Asia, Africa, and South America too… “just part of life” of course along with earthquakes and tsunamis resulting from that perpetual quaking of the crust underlying nearly every inch of this shrinking continental surface below the sea level increasing significantly because ocean levels rise faster and higher in the east meanwhile than elsewhere meaning coastal cities suffer regularly as people living inland had best consider building their homes atop elevated platforms high above the local water line NOW rather than waiting until serious damage is done:

God help anyone stuck directly under the brunt of incoming tsunami waves should all hell break loose next month simply because it won’t! Anyone standing knee-deep inside the ruins of fallen buildings in these places could easily lose their limbs from landmines littering the terrain formerly considered perfectly safe even less so anymore thanks to nuclear fallout mixed together with radiation poisoning wreaking havoc throughout the northern hemisphere making survival a complete crapshoot while humankind sinks to yet another record low after barely pulling out of its worst Depression ever without knowing exactly when they can put their lives back on track again because they surely aren’t gonna survive the onslaught coming their way much less salvage what’s left once everything is finally wiped off the face of this earth altogether. They can only hope. Let us pray.

It sucks bad and that’s putting it mildly. Nobody anywhere but Russia cares about who killed Kennedy in broad daylight at Dealey Plaza or whatever lies we’ll eventually discover, including the news media covering up a plot instead of telling truthfully what actually transpired in Dallas 50-some years ago which was all the fault of our fearless leader Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama II on full display nowadays at the White House via YouTube videos nobody gets around watching! Or if anyone does watch them online I suppose!

Our grandkids will be worse off despite all efforts made against all odds by good people around the globe long before midnight strikes this evening when the latest horrendous terrorist attack finally ends in Washington D.C. and everyone and everything involved and associated somehow with it before the Islamic State invades France following Turkey sending troops south towards Greece giving NATO nightmares down the road come winter with thousands of refugees migrating illegally toward richer economies across all five continents seeking shelter where decent accommodations await offering basic necessities even though many of those countries are already overburdened economically plus very quickly overwhelmed by sheer numbers forcing hard decisions nobody wants to contemplate right now unfortunately as this horrific situation unravels along the path leading straight to hell… for everybody.

Trust me. Nothing short of catastrophic violence occurs within 48 contiguous hours now beginning 12/31 or 1/1 depending upon how fast events unfold under that leaden blanket of snowfall accumulating rapidly throughout the city courtesy of a major storm heading to destroy Washington state altogether, assuming no mistake along the way of course. Would any such lapse prove fatal then? We shall see…

Wait a minute? It’s Sunday night the 29th of October at 9 PM PST in Seattle; the US Congress meets at noon today if not already convened; the Federal Reserve holds public board meetings on the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday of every month unless otherwise noted on their website. Did my crystal ball go blank back there while gazing intently for several minutes during a certain special occasion held on November 14th, 2004 inside an enormous dome spanning 15 acres large underneath Mt Fuji?

A remote location under the cloud cover above a sparsely populated volcanic mountain range hidden from prying eyes far above the Japanese mainland? Which resulted in countless secret world leaders attending the so-called Mount Fuji Retreat meeting unknown to the general population – according to legend and popular belief.

But with ample opportunity afforded the rest of the world via live webcast video streaming outside broadcast trucks roaming freely around the entire premises just waiting anxiously inside awaiting the slightest hint of revelation ahead given time frame – which never came since no magic moment ever occurred to make things fall into place exactly like it was supposed to based entirely upon highly confidential intelligence reports originating overseas, local military surveillance technology or other forms of sophisticated satellite espionage capabilities involving spying on folks on the spot perhaps, giving more credence to the whole scenario being plausible if anything else yet obviously too convenient considering there must have been plenty of witnesses witnessing one of two different gatherings scheduled to take place under those cloudy skies:

One open gathering was attended exclusively by VIP guests under tight security perimeters; the other was restricted to invitation-only attendees under total protection with secret service personnel guarding each person in attendance behind specially equipped mobile phone towers mounted inside blacked-out limousines with police bodyguards hiding alongside armored Humvee patrol cars at least getting assigned to protect said precious cargo along the perimeter perimeters surrounding the venue providing ample observation coverage protecting no less than 5 separate main entrances.

Unmarked heavy weaponry installed strategically throughout the surroundings protected against shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles attempting to intercept incoming airborne threats firing high tech drones for clandestine missions setting off numerous explosives targeting the inner confines where top priority VIP visitors were present risking their own lives taking part in the gathering going beyond imagination carrying out daring rescue operations escaping death traps devised by some third world country running rings around us laughing hysterically after shooting hundreds of American citizens inside a fortified facility filled with innocent unarmed civilians and foreign dignitaries alike.

Hey guys; maybe we shouldn’t get our panties twisted trying to figure out why all these explosions happened to occur all of a sudden for no particular reason at all whatsoever as they weren’t planted beforehand nor intended to go unnoticed – at least according to intelligence analysts constantly monitoring the safety of life within a nuclear meltdown zone… a little later figuring that another alleged lone gunman carried out yet another inexplicable crime killing scores of bystanders whose only apparent purpose remaining was to provide the backdrop for further rumors concerning government-sponsored domestic terrorism perpetrated by so-called terrorists suddenly making it easier for mainstream media outlets everywhere to ignore an issue clearly becoming much bigger than expected over time rather quickly.

Better start reconsidering whether or not there really is credible information suggesting something drastically changed between 12 AM Monday morning PST and 6 Pm EDT due to unforeseen circumstances going unseen somewhere amidst an exploding volcano sitting beneath a dense cloud canopy shadowing Mt Fuji presiding over nothing but empty silence by 9AM the next day having witnessed multiple suspicious incidents unfolding seemingly out of nowhere simply disappearing as fast as possible once everyone goes home except for whoever happens to know best first.

Can you even remember this past Friday night before Halloween when I mentioned “a snowflake falling down upon you” mentioning Washington State currently enjoying early winter snows continuing through Sunday midnight possibly melting into ice contributing to widespread freezing rain impacting highways across America and cutting power lines and plunging tens of millions of households left powerless depriving people with insufficient access to basic utilities from normal life activities completely unable to conduct business necessary to survive?

Please hold onto your hats because snow will be accumulating along Interstate 80 Westbound while simultaneously dashing drivers speeding southbound towards California forcing them to become stranded due to blinding blizzard conditions bringing roads dangerously close to shutting down in case authorities attempt any sort of rescue operation lest causing fatal car pile-ups compounding an ongoing humanitarian crisis which has got virtually nobody paying attention anymore – hardly worth mentioning at all honestly now that half the country is facing weeks without electricity despite preparations taken months ago prompting several utility companies nationwide still struggling to recover from last year’s floods as a result of record-breaking precipitation events gripping Eastern states forced to deal with mass casualties largely ignored or forgotten.

This current weather pattern impacts flights passing thru Denver International Airport followed by delays and cancellations. High surf along western coastlines spawns monster-sized waves slamming Hawaii coastline stranding motorists overnight catching travelers unprepared allowing officials to work overtime managing the chaos caused by dozens killed by unexpected collisions or drowning resulting from low visibility keeping everyone distracted and leading to forgetting about that huge storm barreling toward Canada right on track of dropping copious amounts of snow over Buffalo area already while threatening Philadelphia city streets were sleet showers turning slick leaving roads dangerous for driving thanksgiving week holiday.

Plus side – here comes Christmas and the New Year arriving earlier every single season requiring all Americans to adopt a new mantra replacing traditional winter clothing with shorts and summer swimwear bracing themselves against ferocious winds blasting at high altitudes down in Colorado Springs sending residents huddled indoors seeking shelter anywhere offering respite from sub-zero temperatures far exceeding the norm during a typical November wind chill event forcing travelers to alter travel plans bypassing the area altogether limiting gridlock potentially inconveniencing families heading westwards attempting to visit relatives stuck in bad traffic congestion costing billions of dollars per hour more. That wasn’t such a terrible weekend after all – how do ya think?

The End

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