Ordinary Night

Ordinary Night

Ordinary Night

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He took one deep breath before he closed the box. Carefully, he tucked it neatly inside his
closet, under his clothes where his daughter will not find it.

It’s almost time. He drove her daughter to school, and after kissing her goodbye, he went
straight to his office.

It, was an ordinary day, just like the previous days – home, school, office, home.

He still could not understand though what compelled him to get that box from the store the
other day.

That night over dinner, he was happily conversing with his daughter. Asked her how
the day was, and what she learned in school, as he also told her of his own day’s account.

That was how it has always been. They were happy… just the two of them. He couldn’t ask
for more.

Or could he?

After dinner, a brief bonding moment over their favorite show on TV, and her daughter
went off to bed. He was left alone in the living room, sitting on his favorite chair.

It was supposed to be an ordinary night.. just like the other nights.

But that night, he felt he wasn’t alone. There was someone, rather something, that was
there with him… taunting him.

It wasn’t the first time he felt it, but that night, the “”something”” seemed to be more
intense… persistent… stubborn.

Then, he felt that “”something”” enveloped his very being… he wasn’t his own self anymore.

Standing up from his chair, he went straight to his closet where he kept the box. He picked
it up and walked straight back to where his favorite chair was.

Passing by the door of his daughter’s room, he took a peek and saw an angel sleeping.

He went back to his chair and sat down.

Carefully, he opened the box… got hold of the thing inside it. The light that comes from the
outside hit the silver object, making it shine amidst a dark room

Holding it in his hands, it felt cold.

Lifting it up, he observed it from end to end, front and back… he texted it beckoned.

Slowly, lifting it higher until the nozzle touched the side of the head… closing his eyes, an
without thinking…



Is it over?

And as he lay there on the floor… cod.. swimming in his own blood… an angel sat beside
him crying.

The End

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