Mystery Dragons

Mystery Dragons

Mystery Dragons

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Kanderon’s voice rang in my mind, as she spoke into the darkness. “I have three mysteries to solve for you now.” Her words were accompanied by an image of a dragon-shaped glyph made from blue light as if it was being cast on me.

I focused hard enough that it felt like my bones were cracking, but at least this time her presence didn’t feel so intrusive and overwhelming. That wasn’t exactly comforting either. She continued, speaking with more force than usual: “First, what is happening in Jordan? You’ve been following the news reports closely?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I know which ones are important and how to filter out the gossip.” Even though I’d been reading about what had happened at the capital, these new revelations still shocked me. The riots, the strange magic, the Archdemon attacking people… It was all beyond unbelievable— “You’re not going to say there are dragons living among us again?”

She laughed, but it sounded hollow and bitter. “Dear child, do you think your mother would allow such a thing after she went through so much effort to banish them from Archenhold? No, my dear. This second mystery is even worse.” A third symbol appeared over the first two.

It looked like a small red dragon with wings spread wide, looking down at me with one eye open, while the other closed. I remembered seeing something similar in the ruins of Jelindra’s former temple when I explored the place with Kaela and the others. What did this mean? “The Archdemon has been sighted in the mountains near Archenhold.

But before she left, someone who calls themselves the ‘Herald’ disappeared. They were investigating the Archdemon, but they never returned home.”

My eyes widened. I hadn’t considered the Archdemon could be a Herald. It seemed insane, yet…

“…And lastly, I need to speak with you about the Archdemon herself.” Another set of symbols appeared in front of me, floating in the air. Kanderon told me, “You will learn some things soon, but I’m afraid those details aren’t for sharing just yet.”

A fourth glyph appeared over the three that were already there. It was a strange shape, elongated and thin, like the underside of a leaf or wing. I couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but I saw another of my own familiar shapes in it.

I stared at Kanderon intently, hoping she would explain the meaning behind the glyphs. There were only four symbols. Did they represent the Archdemon’s crimes or some kind of warning? Something about the leaves and wings reminded me of the patterns on the Archdemon’s cloak, but I had no idea what they meant.

Why was she telling me these things instead of simply revealing them directly? I thought back to our conversation a week ago when we discussed the Archdemon’s role in the Archdemon war, and her threat to kill me if I ever tried to harm her. Would she reveal her secrets in exchange for something else? Or was she just trying to scare me?

I asked, “Do you know where my father is? Does he know about any of this?”

A moment passed before she replied. “Yes, your father knows much of what’s happening. He is safe, however. Your mother wishes you not to see him until she tells you to. At the very least, you must wait until this Archdemon business is resolved before you ask questions.”

“Why?” I demanded, feeling frustrated. “Is the Archdemon some kind of threat to us? To Mother? If she needs help, shouldn’t I find him and warn him?”

Kanderon sighed quietly. “Your mother doesn’t want you to go against her wishes. You’ve already caused trouble enough for her. And your father… Well, he has his own plans for dealing with the Archdemon.”

“What?” I asked sharply. “Has he found a way to stop her?”

Kanderon chuckled. “He hasn’t taken steps yet, but I suspect he’ll try to work with the Archdemon, and then use her to get close to your mother. I can’t tell you anything further about their plan, unfortunately. I promised your mother I wouldn’t share it with you. Not without her permission.”

“But…” I protested, feeling confused by her words. “If the Archdemon wants to hurt our family, why should I trust her? She probably wants to destroy us!”

“This Archdemon is not like the Archdemon that attacked us during the Archdemon war,” Kanderon assured me. “Her true name is a secret, but she’s more like an Archdemon than a Herald. She seeks power, and she has little regard for anyone else. Her mind is twisted, and I fear she may have become a threat to everything we hold dear.”

“Then why did she help us fight the Archdemon war? If she hates the Heralds so much, why would she ally with us?”

“Because she wanted your mother’s throne. That’s why she helped us destroy the Archdemon. She wasn’t exactly fighting alongside us. But yes, it’s possible she might be dangerous to us. But if we let her live, she can serve as a powerful tool for your father. He needs allies, and he’s willing to risk this one.”

It seemed like a good deal. I doubted she would betray us again; she’d had too many opportunities to do so in the past. Even if she had, I had no doubt Father would take care of her himself. But still, it bothered me that she had been able to walk right into our home and threaten to kill me while my parents weren’t there.

I shook my head, thinking back to her words, and the significance of the symbol hovering in front of me. The Archdemon was looking for me. I needed to come up with a plan to stop her.

Kanderon said, “Now, as to the Archdemon, here are the basics: she’s a Herald of War, but she is unlike others of her kind. In fact, she’s unique among all Heralds. She has been granted special abilities by the Archdemon who raised her, and she wields two weapons: an enchanted sword and a magical cloak.

These things combine to allow her to fight in ways that other Heralds cannot. They also grant her powers beyond those of the Archdemon who trained her, so she is not beholden to her master. As you may recall from what you learned during the Archdemon war, the Archdemon’s magic is tied to her, and it grows stronger when she uses it.

This Archdemon’s magic is linked to the power flowing through her weapons, which gives her far greater capabilities. She is not a monster, nor is she an Archdemon. She is a Herald with special abilities.”

“So, how does she hunt me down? How will she find me?” I asked. “She could just follow me. I mean, she has to know my face and name now, since she saw me at the Archdemon’s side.”

“Ah, yes,” she explained. “That is another aspect of her strange abilities. When she sees someone she recognizes, her eyes flash. The light from them illuminates whatever she looks upon, making her visible to anyone within sight.

It won’t reveal what she’s doing or who she’s talking to, but it allows her to track you. One thing that concerns me is that she seems to be searching for you in particular.”

I frowned, trying to remember if I ever met the Archdemon before. Had she seen me on the battlefield? I couldn’t think of any reason I might have been there. Was it possible that she knew the Archdemon who trained me personally? Or maybe she had read my thoughts somehow and recognized what I was after. If so, it might explain why she had been so interested in me.

“The Archdemon has a habit of going about with a group of people disguised as ordinary merchants and peddlers,” Kanderon continued. “They’re all wearing cloaks that hide their features, and they act as servants to her. She has a tendency to send out these groups to search for certain individuals, and they seem to have a knack for finding them.

Once she finds you, she’ll return to the Archdemon to report her success and request assistance. If she succeeds, she will be rewarded with something valuable. If she fails…well, the Archdemon doesn’t really need to explain what happens next.”

“What kinds of rewards is she asking for?” I asked. “Is she some kind of thief? Isn’t she worried she might get caught? Wouldn’t she want to avoid the Archdemon?”

Kanderon chuckled. “No, she’s not a thief. You’re worrying over nothing. She’s seeking political leverage, and she knows better than to try stealing anything from the Archdemon. But the Archdemon isn’t interested in goods, she’s only concerned about power. And so long as the Archdemon can use her as a weapon, she will be quite happy to give her whatever she asks for.”

I looked away, feeling a headache coming on. My mind raced, trying to figure out how to deal with this problem. It would be easy enough if I could simply flee, but even if I disappeared, I would eventually be found. So long as I remained in the Archdemon’s domain, she could always find me. What could I do? I didn’t want to meet her again.

Kanderon said, “Now, as to the Archdemon herself, she is an Archdemon. Her presence alone is cause for concern. There is no telling what she might do. She is a powerful creature, and she enjoys wielding her power to cause chaos and destruction.

She is one of the most dangerous creatures we’ve encountered so far, and she has demonstrated that she is capable of great cruelty. I suggest you stay close to me and keep your head low, and make sure to avoid her attention whenever possible. Other than that, don’t worry about yourself. You are more likely to die from falling off a horse or tripping on a rock.”

“Um…” I muttered, looking at my friend. “Do you think you could take me back to the Archdemon’s lair once she’s dealt with? I’d like to see her if I’m allowed. I might be able to learn something useful.”

“Of course,” she agreed. “I am prepared to tell you all about her, including the details of what happened during the Archdemon war. You should be aware, however, that she is not someone you can trust easily.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“A few years ago, when I first met the Archdemon, she tried to kill me,” Kanderon admitted. “I didn’t realize she was there until it was too late. The Archdemon must have been watching me closely, and she used her powers to make me look like an Archdemon. I thought I was facing one Archdemon, and I did my best to fight.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t yet learned much about the Archdemon powers, and I wasn’t very good at shielding myself against them. She overpowered me quickly and left me lying unconscious on the ground, and I doubt she intended to rescue me.

I woke up later to find that she’d healed me, though she refused to tell me exactly how she’d done it. I’m not sure whether she just wanted to test me or she actually meant to kill me.”

She paused for a moment, considering her words. “My guess is that the Archdemon was testing me. She probably found out a few things about me while she watched me. Maybe she figured out what kind of magic I used, and she decided to check to see if I was worth taking seriously.

Whatever her reasons, I suspect that she wants to know if I can protect myself from her powers, and she may decide to kill me the next time we face each other. I suppose it’s possible that she’ll consider me worthy enough to train if I defeat her, but she still might not trust me. That remains to be seen.”

“How do you feel about her?” I asked. “Does she frighten you?”

Kanderon shrugged. “If she were to attack me now, I would be able to defend myself. Still, I’m not sure that I’d enjoy fighting her. Like all Archdemons, she is an Archdemon, and she does not hesitate to use her powers to kill those who oppose her. She is also highly intelligent, and she uses her abilities to her advantage.

The Archdemon war taught us that many Archdemons are capable of learning from past mistakes. If she decides to kill me, I won’t be able to defend myself.”

“So…what do you think? Can I go visit her?”

Kanderon considered for a moment. “Perhaps. For safety’s sake, we could wait until after we’ve completed our quest. Then you could talk to her directly and ask her permission. As long as the Archdemon trusts you, then she will allow you to see her again, and she may even offer you advice.”

The End

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