Men Of Fortune

Men Of Fortune

Men Of Fortune

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“I’m sorry, sir,” said the man. “It’s just that we have so many people coming in and out of here.” He looked at me with a friendly smile on his face but I could see he was nervous about something. It wasn’t long before my suspicions were confirmed when another guard came into view behind him holding an empty tray.

The first one-handed it over to him without saying anything more as if nothing had happened while the second went back inside through the double doors leading deeper into the building. In no time they both disappeared from sight leaving us alone again except for two guards standing outside keeping watch.

One of them nodded politely towards me as I approached, then returned his attention to watching everyone who entered or left the place.

“Well?” asked Mr. White after some minutes had passed in silence. “What do you think? Do you believe this is where our friend lives?”

The man shrugged apologetically. “Sorry, sirs…it doesn’t look like much from here.”

Mr. Black turned away and stared up at the ceiling of what appeared to be a large open room filled with tables and chairs which all seemed very old-fashioned judging by their design. There were several men sitting around drinking coffee and talking quietly among themselves but none paid any particular notice to us until we got closer.

Then they stopped speaking altogether and watched intently every move we made. As soon as we reached the entrance though they began looking elsewhere once more. None of them gave us even a cursory glance now that we’d walked past them and gone further within.

We followed the man along a narrow corridor lined with closed wooden doors set against each side wall. Each door had a small brass plate fixed above it reading ‘Staff Only’ in neat black lettering. At least half of these rooms must belong to the staff members working there because they numbered well over fifty.

They too sat together eating breakfast and chatting amongst themselves. A few glanced down at us briefly before returning to whatever they were doing, although most didn’t bother to look at all.

As we continued walking deeper into the building I noticed how dark everything was; not only the walls but also the floor beneath our feet and the ceilings overhead. The light bulbs hanging from wires everywhere were incredibly dim compared to those used in modern buildings today.

This entire area must have been built hundreds of years ago yet still kept intact and preserved since then. Why would anyone care enough to keep such a huge structure running after all this time? And why did nobody else ever come here anymore besides the occasional maintenance worker, security guard, or the delivery person bringing supplies to whoever lived here?

We finally arrived at a heavy oak door, similar to the ones found throughout the rest of the building, bearing the same brass plaque above it. An elderly man stood next to it waiting patiently for someone to enter or leave. When he saw us approaching he smiled kindly and gestured at the door.

“Come on in,” he said softly. His voice sounded familiar somehow but I couldn’t quite put my finger on exactly where I might know him from.

“Thank you,” replied Mr. White as he held the door open for us. “This way please.”

He led us through the doorway and took a seat across from the man who called himself Mr. Smith. Although I hadn’t heard his name mentioned earlier neither had either of the other men. If I remembered correctly Mr. Black introduced him as a former colleague of his.

Now however I realized that we were probably talking about the same individual. He was dressed in worn-out clothes and carried a cane with a broken handle leaning against the table beside him. Despite being in his seventies he looked surprisingly fit and healthy considering how little exercise he must get otherwise.

The wrinkles lining his face and the grey hair covering his head showed that age had taken its toll on his appearance but not on his mind.

“You don’t need to stand on formality here,” he told us after taking a sip of water. “Please sit down and make yourselves comfortable.”

His eyes flicked quickly between Mr. White and me before settling back onto Mr. Black. “And who are your friends here?”

“They’re new recruits,” explained Mr. Black. “Young men recently hired by the company.”

“Ah yes,” mused Mr. Smith as he leaned forward in his chair. “So young…”

“Yes, sir.”

“Tell me, gentlemen, have you always wanted to work here?”

Mr. Black shook his head slightly. “No, actually. My father worked here originally but left shortly afterward. I never really knew why, though.”

Mr. Smith chuckled lightly. “That happens sometimes. People change jobs for various reasons. Some may want to advance their careers, others simply feel they’ve fulfilled their purpose and wish to start a family instead.”

“Do you mean to say that he quit because he met someone and settled down?”

I heard Mr. Black chuckle again. “Not necessarily. It could just as easily have been due to a difference of opinion with management or perhaps an unpleasant experience while dealing with one of the clients. Or maybe he grew tired of the job itself.”

“Or maybe he became bored out of sheer repetition,” added Mr. White.

“Perhaps,” agreed Mr. Smith. “But regardless of the reason, everyone has their own life outside of this place so it’s important to understand that no matter how long they stay here they can only truly become part of the furniture if they choose to be.”

The three of us nodded solemnly in agreement. For some strange reason, I felt like I already understood what he meant.

“Now let me ask you something,” continued Mr. Smith. “How old do you think I am?”

Nobody answered. Instead, we exchanged glances nervously.

“Well… you seem rather spry to me,” offered Mr. White eventually.

“Oh thank you very much!” exclaimed Mr. Smith happily as he laughed heartily at his own joke. “However, I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you there. You see, I haven’t aged a day since I first started working here. In fact, I’ve remained unchanged right up until now.”

“What?!” gasped Mr. White incredulously. “Are you telling me that you’ve been alive for over two hundred years?! That’s impossible! There is absolutely no way—”

“Exactly,” interjected Mr. Smith. “There isn’t anyway. But I assure you I am indeed real and I will continue to live forever unless the company decides to shut me down.”

“Wait a minute,” interrupted Mr. Black. “Don’t tell me that you’re immortal too? Are all employees of this company… well, undead?”

“Of course not,” stated Mr. Smith. “Most people wouldn’t last five minutes without food or drink. However, we are capable of surviving indefinitely even when deprived of both sustenance and sleep. We also possess the ability to heal ourselves whenever necessary.

As far as our bodies go we age normally but progress at a slower rate than most humans. Our minds however remain sharp and agile and we retain full control over them. This means that although the body ages we continue to function perfectly well. And given time and enough training anyone can learn to perform every task required of them.”

“Incredible,” murmured Mr. Black as he stared intently into space. After several seconds he turned back towards us. “All of which begs the question: What does immortality buy you?”

“Immortality comes with many advantages,” began Mr. Smith, “but the greatest benefit of all is freedom. A person who lives for centuries doesn’t have to worry about anything ever happening to him. He can spend each day doing whatever he wants and still wake up the next morning feeling fresh and ready to take on more challenges.

The world becomes his playground; he can explore its depths and discover new things every single day. If he gets bored then he simply moves onto another country or continent and starts afresh. No matter where he goes he meets different people from all walks of life and learns new languages and customs.

Perhaps he falls in love and marries someone else. Maybe he finds himself traveling across the globe looking for treasure or searching for lost cities. Who knows? All these possibilities exist for those who decide to embrace eternal youth.”

“Sounds like heaven on earth,” remarked Mr. White. “But surely there must be drawbacks to such a lifestyle.”

Mr. Smith smiled gently. “Indeed there are but they aren’t nearly as bad as most people assume. To begin with, immortality requires great sacrifice and devotion. Not only do you need to dedicate your entire life to the service of this company, you also have to make sure that you don’t die before fulfilling your obligations.

Naturally, death is inevitable but it can happen anytime during the process of serving the company. Your physical form might break down beyond repair, and you could suffer a fatal injury—the list goes on. Therefore, you should ensure that you develop a strong sense of self-preservation and try to avoid unnecessary risks wherever possible.

Finally, you have to accept the possibility that certain aspects of your personality may change over time. Some people grow bitter and resentful as they get older while others mellow and become kinder and gentler. Others find themselves becoming increasingly introverted or withdrawn.

Still, other people lose faith altogether and become atheists. These changes occur gradually over hundreds of years and sometimes prove difficult to adjust to. But again, none of these problems really amount to much in the grand scheme of things. They don’t affect you personally and they won’t keep you from living a happy life.”

“So what exactly happens after you reach retirement age?” asked Mr. White curiously.

“That depends entirely upon how long you’ve worked for us,” replied Mr. Smith. “Some people choose to retire early if their health begins deteriorating. Others prefer to work on until the end because they enjoy helping out so much. Either way, once you leave the company you never come back.

At least, not as yourself. From that point onwards you are assigned a new identity based on a random selection of letters and numbers. It is then up to you whether you want to adopt it or reject it. Those who wish to continue working elsewhere can apply for a transfer and move to one of our branches around the world.

Alternatively, they can travel to some of the places we have yet to open stores in and start anew. Regardless of where you go though, you will always be known by the same name. Whatever you call yourself, everyone else will refer to you as ‘Smith’ regardless of where you are.”

“Wow…” muttered Mr. White thoughtfully. “This sounds pretty amazing actually. Does the company offer any benefits besides immortality?”

“There’s plenty to look forward to,” said Mr. Smith happily. “For example, we provide free accommodation and meals along with an allowance for entertainment purposes. You’ll also receive a generous pension plan and access to medical care.

And of course, you will be provided with a fully stocked wardrobe. There is no limit to the number of outfits you can purchase and we will pay for everything. In addition, you can expect to acquire various skills throughout your career which you can use to earn extra money.

For instance, you can learn a foreign language and teach it to other employees. Or perhaps you pick up a musical instrument and perform at parties. Even if you don’t feel particularly talented, you can still train and hone your abilities. We encourage creativity and innovation among our staff members.”

“I’m guessing there isn’t much scope for advancement within the company?” inquired Mr. White.

“Not really,” replied Mr. Smith. “We don’t employ too many high-ranking executives. Most positions require little experience and training since they involve simple tasks that anyone can handle. As far as promotions go, however, each position has its own requirements and limitations.

This ensures that all our employees remain equal and receive similar treatment. Our goal is to create a harmonious work environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated. By offering a variety of roles and responsibilities, we aim to help our workers achieve maximum satisfaction both inside and outside of the office.”

“You’re right…this does sound pretty good,” mused Mr. White. “Still, I think my wife would object to me spending my whole life working here. What about children? Do you allow them into the organization?”

“Children are allowed to join as well,” confirmed Mr. Smith. “However, they are expected to follow the same rules and regulations as adults. If you decide to take your family with you when you relocate, you may bring up to three dependents under the age of eighteen.

The only exception is if you marry someone else and produce offspring together. Then, you can add another child to your household. Children born to spouses are automatically considered to be part of the original family unit. However, those raised by foster parents do not qualify unless they were adopted during childhood.

They must wait until adulthood before applying for membership. Besides, adoption requires certain conditions to be met first.”

“What kind of conditions?” asked Mr. White. He was curious now more than ever.

Mr. Smith hesitated briefly but eventually decided to reveal the information he had been keeping secret from his fellow colleagues. “In order for a child to become eligible, they need to meet two criteria:

First, they should possess exceptional talent in music, art, literature, mathematics, science, sports, or some other field of study. Second, they must demonstrate outstanding qualities such as kindness, compassion, humility, honesty, loyalty, patience, tolerance, selflessness, respectfulness, courage, determination, perseverance, responsibility, diligence, or anything else that makes them stand out from others. Once these requirements are fulfilled, the application process is initiated.

A panel consisting of several senior managers convenes and decides whether or not to accept the applicant. If approved, the child is given full access to the facilities and services offered by the company. After reaching maturity, they can begin taking on permanent employment.

All applicants undergo rigorous testing to ensure that they are suitable for the role. Only those deemed worthy are accepted.”

“Is this true?” whispered Mr. White excitedly. “Are there any restrictions placed upon the children?”

“None whatsoever,” replied Mr. Smith. “Once they are enrolled, they can choose whatever path they like. Some opt to pursue careers in medicine while others focus solely on business management.

Many of our youngest recruits are currently studying abroad at prestigious universities across Europe and North America. It doesn’t matter what their interests are; we’ll support them every step of the way!”

“It seems like a great opportunity,” remarked Mr. White. “But I have one last question. How long does the recruitment period usually take?”

“That depends entirely on how fast you work,” answered Mr. Smith. “The sooner you complete the test, the quicker you’ll get through the interview stage. On average, most candidates finish the entire procedure in less than six months.

Those who fail to make the cut are encouraged to reapply after a year. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. But even so, they tend to be few and far between.”

“And once you’ve made it past the initial screening stages?” asked Mr. White.

“Congratulations! Your future awaits you at the headquarters of the International Organization of Human Resources Management!” declared Mr. Smith enthusiastically.


After leaving the meeting room, Mr. White stopped by the restroom to splash water over his face and freshen up. His heart was pounding fiercely and his palms felt clammy against the cold porcelain sink. He couldn’t believe everything he’d just heard.

There wasn’t a single doubt left in his mind. The man sitting opposite him was clearly lying. In fact, he could see the deception written all over his face. And yet, despite knowing the truth, Mr. White still wanted to believe. Deep down, he knew that this was exactly what his mother had intended.

She would never lie to her son. That’s why she told him to trust no one. To keep an open eye at all times. Even though he was aware of the danger, he refused to give up hope. He needed to find a way to prove that this was nothing more than a cruel hoax. Otherwise, he wouldn’t rest easy until he found himself back home again.

He exited the bathroom and headed straight towards the exit. As soon as he stepped outside, he saw a young woman standing alone at the entrance. Her hair was tied neatly behind her head in a bun. Unlike Mr. White, she wore a smart suit jacket and matching pants.

Beside her stood a tall, muscular man wearing a dark blue uniform. Both of them appeared to be waiting patiently for something. Their eyes followed Mr. White closely as he passed by. Without warning, the girl turned around and approached him. At first, he thought she might want to ask him a question.

However, instead of speaking, she simply stared at him intently. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the man following close behind.

“May I help you?” inquired Mr. White politely.

“I’m sorry if my sudden appearance has caught you off guard,” said the girl apologetically. “My name is Mia. My colleague here is Mr. Black. We’re from the HR department. You may remember us from earlier today when we interviewed you.

Now that your application has been accepted, I think it’s only fair that you know about the terms and conditions of the position before signing the contract. Would you care to join me inside? This will probably take approximately ten minutes.”

Mr. White looked at the man beside her suspiciously. Although he didn’t say anything, he seemed to share the same reservations as Mr. White did regarding their intentions. Nevertheless, neither of them showed any signs of backing out.

They both nodded in unison and followed the young woman into the building. Once inside, the doors shut immediately behind them, leaving Mr. White with nowhere else to go but forward. He walked slowly alongside the pair as they led him deeper underground.

The walls were covered in thick red carpeting. A large chandelier hung overhead, illuminating the whole area. An array of paintings decorated the walls and a number of crystal vases filled the air with a pleasant aroma. After walking through several different corridors, they finally arrived at a small elevator.

When the door opened, they entered a dimly lit corridor. Several desks lined the wall next to each other. Two men sat behind the respective stations. One of them was reading a newspaper while the other was typing away furiously on a laptop.

Neither of them paid much attention to Mr. White or his companions. Instead, they continued working diligently on their tasks without taking a break.

“Please wait here for a moment,” instructed Ms. Mia.

She then proceeded to walk further ahead and spoke quietly to someone hidden behind a nearby desk. Moments later, two guards emerged from the shadows and escorted the three people to a separate section of the hallway.

As they moved along, Mr. White tried to peek through the gaps in the partitioned glass window. It took some time before he managed to catch sight of the person he was looking for. Sitting comfortably behind a wooden table, a middle-aged man was playing cards with a group of colleagues.

All of them wore suits similar to those worn by the security staff. Despite being surrounded by these intimidating individuals, Mr. White was able to detect a faint smile gracing the man’s lips.

At last, the group reached another set of double doors. When the guards pushed open the heavy metal gates, they revealed a spacious office. Filled with rows upon rows of bookshelves, it reminded Mr. White of the library he used to visit during his school days.

A grand piano rested in front of a large oak cabinet. On top of the polished wood surface lay a silver tray holding various documents. The room itself was illuminated by soft white light which emanated from dozens of candles scattered across the floor.

Thick leather chairs were arranged in neat lines. Each of them was adorned with a high-quality Persian rug. Behind a long mahogany desk, a solitary figure sat perfectly upright in a black armchair. His body was draped elegantly over the chair, making him appear larger than life.

Every inch of his skin glistened under the warm glow of the candlelight. There was no doubt this man had once occupied the highest seat among all the powerful figures within the world of business. But now, he was nothing more than a frail old man who spent most of his day confined to his bed.

Yet despite his fragile condition, there was still an undeniable aura surrounding him. No one would ever dare speak ill of him. Even so, it wasn’t hard to tell how displeased he was with the way things were going.

The End

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