Lady May Ocean Springs

Lady May Ocean Springs

Lady May Ocean Springs

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“It’s a good thing we had the foresight to bring some of our own supplies,” I said, turning to Captain Spade. “Otherwise, we’d be relying on what they could provide us with.”

He nodded his head in agreement. “Aye, well done, my lady.” He turned to address the rest of the crew. “I’m sure you’ve all noticed the change in our situation. We are now freebooters and pirates, and that means we’re going to have to find our own food and water. That’s why I’ve sent out several parties to hunt, but I’m hoping the ladies can do even better. There is fresh water here, so we’ll need to gather some of that too.”

The crew was quick to respond. “Yes, sir!”

“And the food? How will we get it?”

Captain Spade paused for a moment, considering how best to answer. “We have several choices. We can take what we find from the dead, or we can hunt for ourselves.”

“Hunting? What sort of hunting?” one of the crew asked.

“I know of a few animals that we can hunt, such as deer, rabbits, and other small game. The problem is that these creatures are very quick and agile, and we don’t have weapons that are particularly suited to them. Our best option would be to kill a man, then skin him and wear his clothes. That way we can use his weapons against any beasts that attack us.”

“How do we do that?” another crewman asked.

“Simple,” Captain Spade replied. “We simply go into the town and take a man. No one will notice us.”

The crew gasped at this idea. They had seen how much trouble the men of the Lady May had faced when they had gone into the town. They knew that no one would stand up for them.

“No!” I shouted. “We cannot do that! It’s not right! It’s wrong!”

Captain Spade looked at me with surprise. “What are you talking about, my lady?”

“I mean to say that it is wrong to kill a man who has not done anything to harm us. You see, I’ve read many stories about how God commands us not to kill one another, and how he has given us the gift of life. Therefore, we must protect life, not take it. So, if we take a man’s life, we will be in great danger of being punished by God. I think we should leave him alone.”

“But, my lady, what about his family? They will suffer because of our actions.”

“Well, that is true. But we will be suffering too if we are found out. We could lose everything. That is why we must be careful and only take what we need.”

“And what is that?”

“We must take only the food and water we need. Nothing more.”

“It’s not enough, my lady,” Captain Spade said. “We will be forced to eat less than we want, and drink less than we like. That is why we must hunt.”

I sighed. I was afraid that this was going to be a long voyage.


Captain Spade walked along the deck of the Lady May Ocean Springs, his face red with anger. “What are you doing here, my lady?”

I was startled to hear his voice. I had not expected him to call me by name.

“I’m sorry, Captain Spade. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

“No, no. Please, come aboard. I have something to tell you.”

He beckoned for me to join him, and I followed him down the gangway. As we passed the crewmen, they all stared at me with disdain. Some even glared at me as I passed.

Captain Spade led me to a small cabin, where he shut the door behind us. I stood in front of him, my hands clasped together, waiting for him to speak.

“Now, my lady, I must ask you a question,” he began. “You mentioned that you were reading a book.”

“Yes, I am. It’s called The Holy Bible.”

“Do you know what it says about killing?”

“Of course I do. It says that God commands us not to kill one another.”

“I see. Well, then, do you also know what it says about stealing?”

“Yes, I do. It says that God commands us not to steal.”

“That’s right. But you see, my lady, these things are very different. For instance, you can’t eat someone else’s food without them knowing. It doesn’t work that way. You have to steal from the people who are not looking.”

“But, Captain Spade, isn’t it wrong to steal?”

“Of course, it is, my lady. But I think you’ll find that it is necessary, at times. And as for killing, well, I suppose you could say that it’s necessary too. If we don’t kill, then we will starve.”

“But, Captain Spade, isn’t it wrong to kill?”

“I’m sure you’re right, my lady. But remember, if we don’t do this, then we will be killed. And there’s nothing wrong with dying if you’ve lived a good life.”

“But, Captain Spade, it’s wrong to kill!”

“And what is wrong with that?” he asked. “What if the man you take his life was going to kill you? Would you rather live, or die?”

“But, Captain Spade, you said it yourself. God commands us not to kill.”

“Yes, I did. But sometimes, it’s necessary. I believe that the Lord would not have given us such a wonderful gift of life if he didn’t expect us to use it.”

“But, Captain Spade, even if it’s necessary, it’s still wrong. We shouldn’t do it.”

“Well, I guess you’re right, my lady. But remember, there are some things that are worth killing for. Like your life, for instance. I’m willing to risk mine in order to protect yours. In fact, I’d be willing to kill myself for you. Now, that’s love, my lady.”

He smiled at me. “Now, you must promise me that you won’t tell anyone about this.”

“No, Captain Spade, I won’t.”

“Good. Then let’s go back to the ship.”


“Now, my lady,” Captain Spade said. “It’s time to go to bed.”

I walked down the gangway with him, and we both entered the cabin. He closed the door behind us, and then led me over to a small table. “Now, my lady, I want you to sit here. It will be much more comfortable for you than sleeping on the floor.”

“Thank you, Captain Spade,” I said. “I am grateful for your kindness.”

Captain Spade took off his jacket, revealing a red shirt underneath. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and then began to take off his trousers.

“My lady, I’ve already told you that I won’t hurt you. You have nothing to fear from me.”

I was confused. Why was he undressing? And why did he keep calling me my lady?

“Now, my lady, I want you to remove your clothing. I want you to take off all of your clothes.”

I stared at him, and then looked away. “Why do you want me to do that?”

“Because, my lady, it will make our lovemaking much more pleasurable.”

I stood up, and turned around to face him. “I don’t understand. What are you talking about?”

“My lady, I’m going to give you pleasure. You should be happy that I am willing to do this for you.”

“But, Captain Spade, what does any of this have to do with pleasure?”

“Now, my lady, you’re starting to get the wrong idea. You see, I want to be able to see your body.”


“You see, my lady, if I can see your body, then I’ll know what to do.”

“I don’t understand.”

“My lady, I’ve been a sailor for many years now. I’ve seen a lot of women. I’ve seen their bodies, and I know how they like to be touched. But, you see, my lady, you’re different. I want to touch you in ways that I’ve never touched before. And I need to see your body in order to know what to do.”

The End

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