Hunted By The Jungle

Hunted By The Jungle

Hunted By The Jungle

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The jungle was a place of mystery and danger. It had been the home to many creatures, both good and evil. Some were known only by their legends or stories told around campfires at night. Others were more common but still deadly in nature.

There were those that could be found anywhere on earth, while others were unique to this world. Many of these dangerous beasts lived deep within the jungles where they felt safe from humans who would hunt them for sport or food.

They preferred not to come out into the open unless it suited their needs. This was especially true with some of the larger predators like tigers and lions. These animals knew how to hide well enough so as to avoid being seen by any human.

However, there were other species that did not mind coming out into the light of day if they needed to. One such animal was the jaguar.

Jaguars are large cats native to South America. Their fur is usually black or dark brown, though sometimes it can be spotted with white markings along its back and tail. Jaguars have long legs which allow them to run quickly through dense forests.

They also possess sharp claws that help them climb trees when necessary. A jaguar’s most distinguishing feature is his eyes. They are yellow-green in color and very wide set. This allows him to see far distances without having to turn his head much.

His ears are small compared to other cat breeds, but they are pointed and alert. He has a short muzzle and powerful jaws. In addition, he possesses retractable claws on all four paws. Jags are carnivores and will eat almost anything.

They prefer meat over plants, but will occasionally consume fruits and vegetables.

A jaguar was stalking its prey through the forest one morning. It was an old female named Felicia. She was a beautiful creature with sleek black fur and bright green eyes. Her coat was thick and shiny due to her diet consisting mostly of fish.

She loved to hunt down river bass and trout in the nearby streams. Today she had decided to go hunting for something different. She wanted to try eating something new today. As she walked deeper into the woods, she heard the sound of someone calling out to her.

At first, she thought it might just be another animal making a noise but then realized that it sounded like a person speaking. Curious, Felicia stopped and listened carefully. After hearing several voices call out to each other, she began walking toward the source.

As soon as she got close enough, she saw what appeared to be a group of people standing near a fire. They looked to be about twenty-strong and were dressed in brightly colored clothing. Most of them were carrying spears or bows and arrows.

Felicia recognized them immediately. They were members of the tribe that lived in the area. They were called the Rovahkinai Tribe. They were a peaceful race that lived off the land and rarely ever ventured outside of their own lands.

They didn’t even know that there were other races living in this world besides themselves. They believed that everyone else was dead or gone forever. They had no idea that there were other intelligent beings out there.

Felicia approached cautiously and stood behind a tree. She watched the men as they talked amongst themselves. They seemed to be arguing about something. Suddenly, one man raised his hand and shouted out loudly.

“We need to get rid of this thing! We don’t want it here!”

“What do you mean?” asked another voice.

“I’m talking about the beast we captured yesterday,” said the first man again. “It killed two of our hunters.”

One of the women spoke up. “How did it kill them? What kind of monster is it?”

Another woman added, “And why does it look like a human?”

The first man answered, “That’s because it is a human. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It looks like a normal human except for the fact that it has red hair and blue eyes. That’s strange enough, but it also speaks perfect English.

It says it came from Earth and wants to stay with us. But we’re afraid it may attack us at any time. So we need to find a way to get rid of it. If we don’t, it could destroy everything we have worked hard to build.”

The second man replied, “But how do we do that? We can’t just kill it. It’s a human being. And besides, it doesn’t seem hostile towards anyone. All it seems to want to do is live among us peacefully.”

“Well, maybe it won’t hurt anybody,” said the first man. “Maybe it’ll leave once it realizes that we aren’t going to let it stay. Maybe it’ll take off and disappear somewhere else. Then we wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.

Right now, we should probably keep it locked up until we figure out what to do with it.”

Suddenly, Felicia stepped forward and interrupted their conversation. “Excuse me, but who are you people?” she asked politely.

All of the men turned around and stared at her curiously. One of them spoke up. “Who are you? How did you get here? Where are you from?”

Felicia smiled and bowed her head slightly. “My name is Felicia. You must be the Rovahkinai Tribe. My people are called the Jaguar Clan. We come from a distant planet called Earth. We were sent by the Great Spirit to help save your world.

Our mission is to protect you and make sure that nothing bad happens to you while we are here. Now if you would please excuse me, I really need to return home.”

With that, Felicia turned around and started running away. The men all stared after her in shock. None of them knew what to say. Finally, one of them spoke up. “Wait! Don’t run away! Please tell us more about yourself. Tell us where you came from and why you are here.”

Felicia stopped and turned back around. “You don’t understand. I am not supposed to talk to strangers. This is very dangerous for me. If my people found out that I was talking to you, they’d punish me severely.

As far as telling you about myself, I cannot do that. It is against the rules. But I will give you some information so that you can learn about each other. First of all, you should know that you are on an island called Oahu. There are many different islands here.

Some of them are inhabited by humans. Others are uninhabited. Your island is called Hawaii. It is located in the Pacific Ocean. It is surrounded by water. In the distance, you can see mountains. Those are called Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.

They are dormant volcanoes. They last erupted thousands of years ago. You should also know that you are in the year 1864. That is when the United States declared its independence from England. A few months later, the Civil War began between the North and South.

The war lasted four long years. Many lives were lost during those terrible times. Also, you should know that the country of Japan is still ruled by Emperor Meiji. He is the current ruler of the Empire. His reign lasts for almost fifty-five years.

During his rule, he makes many changes to the government. For example, he creates a new constitution. He also builds roads and bridges throughout the entire nation. Lastly, you should know that there are five major religions practiced in this land: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism. Each religion has millions of followers.

However, only a small percentage of these people practice their faith regularly. Most of them believe in God or Allah, but they don’t go to church every Sunday. Instead, most of them pray privately. They worship the same god, but they do it differently.

These people call themselves Christians. Their beliefs differ greatly from yours. They think that Jesus Christ is the son of God. He died on the cross to redeem mankind. After his death, he rose from the dead three days later.

Because of him, all people can enter heaven. To become a Christian, you must accept Jesus into your heart and ask Him to forgive you of all of your sins. Once you do that, you will receive eternal life in paradise. This is the way that our Lord teaches us to live.

Unfortunately, many people choose to ignore His teachings. They continue to sin and commit evil deeds. They refuse to follow the path of righteousness. Therefore, they will spend eternity in hell instead. This is why we must teach everyone to love one another and treat others the way that we want to be treated. Only then will peace prevail upon the earth.”

As she finished speaking, Felicia looked over her shoulder and saw that the men had fallen silent. She could hear them whispering among themselves. Suddenly, two of them approached her. One of them grabbed her arm and pulled her close. “What’s your name?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, but I cannot tell you that. It is against the rules.”

The man shook his head. “No, you’re lying. I can smell the scent of a jaguar on you. You’re a member of the Jaguar Clan. I recognize your scent!”

Felicia sighed and closed her eyes tightly. “Please let me go,” she begged. “If my people find out that I talked to you, they’ll kill me. I have no choice. I must obey the rules. Otherwise, I won’t survive.”

The man released her and stepped back. “Okay, okay. I believe you. So, who are you?”

Felicia opened her eyes again and smiled. “My name is Felicia. I am a warrior princess from the planet Earth.”

One of the men laughed loudly. “Earth? What kind of place is that?”

“It is a world with many different cultures and races. We are not like you. Our ancestors arrived here hundreds of years ago. Since then, we’ve been trying to make contact with you. Unfortunately, you haven’t responded. Now, you finally did. And now, you are here. How strange is that?”

Another man spoke up. “So, how come you speak English so well? Why didn’t you just use your native language?”

“Because I am not from your world. My people came from another star system. We traveled through space using a wormhole. When we reached your solar system, we used a device called a stargate to travel to your planet. It took us several weeks to reach your world. We landed on your moon. From there, we walked across the surface until we reached your village. Then, we made our way to your home.”

A third man interrupted. “How did you get here without being seen?”

“We were careful. The only reason why anyone knows about this place is that one of my friends was captured by some of your warriors. He told them where we live. They found us and brought us here.”

All three men stared at her in disbelief. “You mean to say that you actually came all the way from Earth?”

She nodded. “Yes, it’s true.”

The first man turned toward the other two. “Did any of you see anything unusual when you got here?”

They both shook their heads. “Nothing. Everything seemed normal.”

He glanced down at Felicia. “Do you know what happened to him?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Well, maybe if you knew more about him, you would be able to help us figure out where he went.”

Felicia frowned. “Why do you want to know?”

“Because we need to rescue him before the next full moon. If we fail, he will die. That’s why we’re asking for your help.”

Felicia thought about it. “I suppose I can try. But I warn you, I might not be much good at helping you.”

“That doesn’t matter. All we care about is finding him. Once we do, everything else will take care of itself.”

The End

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