Good Life Decisions

Good Life Decisions

Good Life Decisions

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There are only 2 decision categories in life. The first is decisions that bring you closer to your goals and the second is decisions that pull you away from your goals. Always make good decisions to get closer to your goals.

You have made a lot of bad decisions lately, but it’s time for some new choices. Which do you want more: To be close to your goal or far away?

What would happen if you were close to your goal? You’d feel great about yourself; you’d know what to do with your life. What would happen if you were far away from your goal? Well, there’s no point in worrying about that yet because you’re not there yet anyway. But someday soon, when you’ve got a little closer to your goal…

Which path will you choose? Do you think you can make it all the way to your goal without making any mistakes along the way? If so, then I hope you enjoy the trip!

“The End.” – Anonymous

Decision: Close

If this is the right choice then you should continue on your journey towards achieving your goal. Your future self would be very proud of you. In fact, he might even forgive you for being late.

To go south into the Fens.

You have left your home behind and entered a vast expanse of waterlogged marshland. There is nothing around you except thick reeds, mud, and murky waters. This place has an almost mystical quality to it. It feels like something out of legend. You are entering the Fens.

It was just after midnight when you arrived at the edge of town. From here, you could see the lights of the city, shimmering through the misty air above the low-lying fog. For now, though, you need to rest. The long walk down the hill must have taken its toll on you.

And the rain is still falling heavily. So much for the night sky. As the sun rises over the horizon, you realize how lucky you are to have reached the safety of the woods before daybreak.

Decision: Rest

Sleep is important. Sleep means you don’t have to worry about anything else. After all, tomorrow’s another day. Even if it turns out to be the last one you ever live.

You lie down on the wet ground and drift off into sleep.

In the morning light, everything looks different. The tall grass is soaked with dew, the muddy puddles sparkle in the sunlight, and the trees cast dark shadows across the glistening surface of the swamp. All of nature seems fresh and vibrant after the monotonous grey of yesterday.

Your back aches as you rise from the damp earth. The soggy soil sticks to your clothes and clings to your skin. Your body feels heavy and sluggish.

As you sit up, the world spins crazily around you. Everything looks wrong, distorted, and unreal. You blink several times, trying to clear your vision. Gradually, the landscape comes into focus again. The trees loom overhead, their branches dripping with rainwater. The soft hum of insects fills your ears.

All of this changes as you stand up. You look around, taking in your surroundings.

This is the Fens. A vast tract of waterlogged marshland.

You have entered the Fens.

You have walked through the forest until you reach a clearing.

There is nothing here but thick reeds, mud, and murky waters. This place has an almost mystical quality to it. It feels like something out of legend. You are entering the Fens.

The pale green light of dawn creeps slowly across the marsh. Birds chirp cheerfully to each other, greeting the new day with song. Insects buzz loudly in the distance. Small animals scurry about, searching for food.

Decision: Eat

You haven’t eaten since leaving your house last night. You could really use some breakfast right now.

You eat the dried meat that you brought with you.

After eating, you feel much better. You have enough energy to start walking again.

Decision: Walk

You set out once more, heading eastward into the wilderness.

Before long, you come upon a small stream. The water runs swiftly beneath the bridge, gurgling musically as it flows past.

The road leads north, but it doesn’t seem worth following. Why bother when there’s no guarantee that the path ahead will lead you anywhere useful? Besides, the weather is nice today. Maybe you’ll find some flowers blooming by the side of the trail.

Decision: Flower

The flowers are pretty. They brighten up the world.

You head west along the path.

Soon, you spot a familiar landmark — a large tree trunk sticking out of the marsh. You approach cautiously.

The rotting log lies partly submerged in the shallow waters of the bog. Moss covers its surface. The wood is discolored and warped, its bark peeling away in places. Strange shapes protrude from its gnarled surface, forming a pattern that looks almost like writing.

Decision: Look

Looking closely, you notice that the patterns on the log resemble words. Could they be a message written by someone who lived here many years ago? Or maybe a warning sign?

The shape of the letters is strange. They don’t match any language that you know. But you can read them.

You recognize the name “Wendigo”.

And you also recognize the word “Run”.

What does it mean?

“The End.” – Anonymous

Decision: Run

The thought of running away from home is tempting. But you can’t leave your family behind. No matter how hard it gets.

You have made a decision.

The End

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