Gifts For Mystery Lovers

Gifts For Mystery Lovers

Gifts For Mystery Lovers


We’ve all got a little bit of mystery in us. Sometimes it’s just a touch, and sometimes we’re walking around with our hearts on the outside of our chests waiting to be given away. It’s not something that should make you nervous; if anything it makes you more attractive because there are some people who can’t handle you being mysterious at all.

They’ll either want to know everything about you or they’ll try to figure out how much money is inside your wallet by asking questions like ‘How much cash do you have?’ or ‘What kind of car do you drive?’ The good news for mystery lovers: there is no wrong answer when someone asks what type of car you drive.

If you don’t own a car, tell them you ride a motorcycle or a horse. You could also say you drive an airplane or a boat. Or let them think whatever they want. A smile goes a long way.

For the person who loves mysteries so much she can’t stop thinking about them even after getting up from her desk chair, give her the gift of adventure.

Give her two tickets to somewhere far away where she can walk along the beach and feel the sand between her toes while looking into the distance and trying to imagine what it must look like through the eyes of a pirate ship sailing across the horizon as it searches for buried treasure.

Maybe you take her back home afterward or perhaps you stay and go exploring together. Either way, she will remember this day for a very long time. She might even get a tattoo of you in the shape of a skull wearing sunglasses and a fedora hat. Just kidding! No tattoos. Unless you’re going to ink ‘Mystery Lover’ on your chest. Then I won’t judge.

If she’s a fan of murder mysteries, then a copy of one of her favorite books is sure to please her. We all love a good book, right? This could be a brand-new title or a classic that has been around for ages. There are so many great stories to choose from, but if you really want to impress her, find out which genre she prefers and buy her a copy of one of those novels.

From detective fiction to horror, you’re bound to find something she’ll enjoy reading over again and again.

The best present of all is a night full of sleep without interruption or annoying alarm clocks to wake you up. Go ahead, surprise her with a romantic evening. Light candles, play soft music, pour wine, get down on one knee, and ask her to marry you.

Of course, there’s always something else you could do instead of proposing marriage. In fact, there’s probably nothing else you could do besides that. But hey…a guy can dream, can’t he?

We can help you make this holiday season special for someone you care about—even if it’s yourself! And what better gift than one that comes wrapped in mystery? So whether you prefer an old-fashioned pen-and-paper novel or a digital e-book, there’s a whole world of fun awaiting you. Remember to always leave a few surprises for yourself.

Ashes On The Wind

I’ve made it my personal mission to bring the art of poetry back into the hearts and minds of modern readers. It isn’t easy to convince people to read poetry, but once you get them hooked, they’ll never forget the joy of reading beautiful words strung together in such a way that makes them seem like one cohesive sentence.

Poetry doesn’t need to be complicated; you don’t have to use big words and overly complex sentences. Simply put the meaning of each word in your mind before you begin writing, and see if you can weave it into a story. Once you start seeing the beauty in everyday objects and events, you’ll never want to stop reading.

We’ve got a lot of different styles of poems available for purchase. They aren’t limited to just one subject. We sell poems about love, loss, friendship, hate, and happiness. Most of these items are only offered as e-books, but there are some that come as paperback books too. Our prices range between $0.99 and $2.49. That’s a small price to pay to enjoy some of the most popular literature in the world.

Some of the titles you can expect to find include:

A Long Way Down

Dancing Alone On A Train

Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight

Falling Into Place

Life Is Short

Looking For A Reason To Get Up In The Morning

Love Doesn’t Care About Anything

Peaceful Sleep At Night

Poems Are Like Flowers

The Road Not Taken

You Can Take The Girl Out Of New York City


He was standing in the middle of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, and yet somehow he had managed to fall asleep. He’d been awake for hours now, and his stomach was rumbling. His mouth felt dry, and he could hear birds chirping off in the distance. Was it morning already? Or maybe the afternoon.

When had he last seen the sun? Had he been unconscious for days? How did he end up here? Where were the others? What happened to everyone? Why didn’t anyone try to save him when he fell unconscious? If he hadn’t fallen asleep on the ground, would he still be alive today?

Did he die alone and forgotten somewhere in the wilderness? Would someone eventually find his body, just lying there in the middle of nowhere with no explanation as to how he got there? Maybe they’d find a note stuffed into his pocket, saying goodbye to his family and friends. Perhaps he wrote it himself, knowing that he wouldn’t make it home alive.

This is where I belong, thought Mike. This is where I died.

Mike wondered if the day would ever arrive when he could look back at his life and say “that was fun.” Right now, he couldn’t think of anything that came close to being enjoyable. Everything seemed pointless. All he wanted was to go home.

“What am I doing out here?” he asked aloud. He tried to remember the last thing he ate. Yesterday? No, that wasn’t right. Last week? No, it was closer to two weeks ago. He remembered heading out to the woods to find the perfect place to shoot a bow and arrow, and he must have decided to hunt squirrels.

Squirrel meat tasted delicious if prepared properly, and he loved the way it melted in his mouth when cooked on a campfire. But after hunting for several days, he realized something: the food chain didn’t care about him anymore. The animals had become too smart for humans to catch them. It wasn’t safe out here, so he headed back to town.

“But what happened next?” he whispered to himself. The answer to that question was simple. He fell asleep while sitting by a fire, and then he woke up here. There was nothing else to explain why he was in the middle of nowhere, alone, and injured.

Mike turned around to look at the forest behind him. It looked peaceful, except for the occasional bird squawking in the distance. More than likely, he’d stumbled upon a stream not far from where he was standing. Water was always important to him, but he’d never imagined having to trek all this way just to reach the water.

Instead of trying to figure out which direction to head in, he decided to turn around and walk back toward the town he used to live in. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be walking, but he figured it wouldn’t take him more than a few days to make it back. He figured if he kept moving, he might get lucky enough to stumble across another human being who could help him.

The End

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