Delaying My Destiny

Delaying My Destiny

Delaying My Destiny

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I was a little surprised to find that I had been given my own room at the hospital. As it turned out, they were going to be keeping me for quite some time as their doctors tried to figure out what caused this condition of mine and why none of them could cure it or even slow its progression down much.

It would seem there really wasn’t anything wrong with any part of me except my brain itself; everything else seemed perfectly normal in every way.

There were no signs anywhere on either body scan or blood tests indicating an abnormality other than the fact that nothing happened when I thought about doing something like moving one arm or leg. The only thing we could think of is perhaps I am simply missing a certain gene that controls muscle movement?

Whatever the reason may have been, however, it didn’t matter because all attempts to heal me by using magic failed completely each and every time. They just kept getting worse until eventually, I stopped trying altogether after realizing how futile it actually was…

“So where do you want us?” asked Mike while walking into my room carrying two trays full of food from the cafeteria downstairs. He set both trays onto my desk and then sat across from me so he could see his brother’s face better too. “Shouldn’t we go back home first since our parents are expecting us soon?”

It took me several moments before responding to him due to being caught off guard by such a question. Not that I minded having another person here with me but still, not many people ever visited me in these parts. In fact, most patients tended to avoid contact with others unless absolutely necessary.

Even if someone did come visiting me though, chances were they’d never bring anyone along for fear of catching whatever disease or illness I might currently have running rampant through my system. So yeah, I guess it made sense why he brought up bringing Mom and Dad over right away. After thinking long enough, however, I finally managed to respond to his query.


Mike looked at me curiously for a moment before frowning slightly in confusion. “…What do you mean ‘no’?”

“You heard me,” I said bluntly without elaborating further.

After sitting quietly for a few more seconds, Mike finally spoke again. “Well okay then…”

He stood up slowly and began heading towards the door once more. Before leaving though, he glanced briefly back at me one last time. Then he left the room behind to return downstairs with his tray full of food. A minute later, he returned holding another tray filled with different kinds of desserts and pastries.

This second tray also contained three cups of coffee that appeared freshly brewed as well as a pot of tea. Once he placed them all on top of my desk, he walked around to sit next to me instead of directly across from me like earlier.

We spent the rest of that day eating dinner together as we chatted casually about various subjects ranging from school life to anime. Eventually, though, we grew tired of talking and decided to take turns reading books aloud from our respective shelves inside the cabinet under my bed.

While waiting for my turn to read, I started watching TV shows and movies on my laptop too. For the record though, I didn’t watch any porn videos despite feeling tempted to do so considering how horny I got during those times.

Instead, I watched things like comedy skits, romantic dramas, action flicks, and horror films mostly. By nightfall, Mike finished reading one book he borrowed from the library while I continued watching TV programs. That evening ended with us falling asleep side-by-side in my bed while cuddling close against each other. At least, that’s what I remember happening anyway…


The following morning came sooner than expected as usual thanks to waking up early. When I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed Mike sleeping soundly beside me. Since he hadn’t woken up yet, I quickly slipped out of bed and grabbed my clothes from yesterday before changing into them once more.

Then I went ahead and washed my hands and face before making my way back to my bedroom to wake Mike up. It turned out he woke up almost instantly upon hearing my voice calling his name. Upon seeing me standing there in front of him, he smiled brightly and gave me a quick hug good morning before asking me how I felt today.

I told him I was fine aside from the lingering headache I had developed overnight. Thankfully, the pain was nowhere near as bad now compared to the previous days.

We exchanged small talk for several minutes longer before deciding to leave my room and head downstairs for breakfast. Both trays this time were loaded with bacon, eggs, sausages, hash browns, pancakes, biscuits, toast, yogurt, fresh fruit salad, assorted juices, and milk.

As for the drinks, I ordered orange juice while Mike opted for regular black coffee. With the food already on its way to our table, the waitress who served us greeted us politely with a warm smile. She asked us if we wanted her to serve us some extra plates so we can share our food with whoever we chose to invite over.

Of course, I responded by saying yes. But just before she reached over to place the order, something unexpected happened.

“Hey!” exclaimed a familiar male voice suddenly interrupting our conversation. “Where is your little boyfriend going? Is he coming down here too?”

At first I thought it must be an older patient trying to make fun of me after overhearing our exchange with the waitress. However, when I saw the man’s face clearly for the very first time, I realized he wasn’t old at all. He actually looked fairly young to me.

Maybe only in his mid-twenties or so. The problem was, that he seemed to look quite annoyed and angry at the same time. His hair color reminded me of mine albeit a shade darker. And since he was wearing glasses, I could tell he probably possessed good vision. Although judging by how much he glared at me angrily, he couldn’t see shit even if he wore contacts.

“Huh?” I mumbled confusedly staring at him blankly until he repeated himself louder.

“Is your boyfriend not joining you guys for breakfast? Where does he go every morning anyway?” demanded the stranger harshly.

I blinked in surprise unable to comprehend why anyone would ask such a question. After hesitating for a brief moment, I replied honestly. “Umm…he isn’t really my ‘boyfriend’. In fact, he never showed up last night. So far, he hasn’t been here at all today either.”

When I mentioned the word ‘last’, the guy frowned bitterly and shook his head disapprovingly. Like seriously, what did I do wrong now?! Did I say something weird again? I mean, come on! Who doesn’t know someone’s supposed to show up for their date on Valentine’s Day!? Especially, when they’ve planned everything out beforehand!

But then I heard a female voice speak up in response to the guy. It sounded similar to the woman who helped deliver Mike and me our meals yesterday but younger sounding somehow. Or maybe I imagined that part because she spoke so quietly.

Either way, the girl’s voice made me realize she definitely wasn’t the nurse working at this hospital anymore. Not unless she changed jobs recently without telling us about it.

“Oh please…” groaned the man sarcastically shaking his head. “Do you think we’re stupid enough to believe that bullshit story of yours? You two are obviously lovers, aren’t you? How else would a straight dude like yourself end up dating another gay boy in the first place?

Unless of course, you secretly have a crush on him and want to play along with whatever sick joke he has cooking up inside his twisted mind right now huh?”

My jaw dropped open slightly at the rude comment. What the hell was wrong with these people?! First off, no one ever called Mike ‘straight’ before. Secondly, I didn’t exactly plan on doing anything with him tonight. Hell, I barely knew him!

Thirdly, why the fuck would I care whether or not he was interested in having sex with other men? Why should I give a damn if he decided to sleep around behind my back? That’s none of my business! Besides, Mike was the one who approached me first and invited me on our date in the first place.

If he wanted to cheat on me, screw whoever he wants to…then let him get fucked by someone else for crying out loud!

However, despite all those thoughts swirling through my head, the most important thing I had to remember was: Don’t react! Just keep quiet and don’t respond to any of their questions or accusations. Let them talk themselves into believing whatever crazy lies they came up with.

They’ll eventually figure out the truth sooner rather than later anyways. All I needed to do was remain calm and wait patiently for things to unfold naturally.

After hearing the guy mention the words ‘gay’ and ‘couple’, both Mike and I immediately grew tense. We stared intently at each other silently waiting for the other person to break eye contact first. Since neither of us dared to turn away from each other, we ended up looking at one another in silence for a few seconds more before finally breaking apart nervously.

Then once again, I glanced towards the entrance where the guy waited impatiently outside. When he noticed Mike and I were still talking, his eyes narrowed dangerously as he growled menacingly.

“So, which one of you will be answering the next question?” asked the strange man snidely. “Because we can start asking some pretty embarrassing stuff if you refuse to answer.”

Both Mike and I gulped loudly feeling nervous butterflies fluttering wildly within our stomachs. Our hearts began beating rapidly while sweat beads formed on our foreheads. Both of us exchanged glances yet remained silent. Eventually, though, I felt compelled to speak up and take charge of the situation.

“It’s okay,” I insisted softly glancing at Mike reassuringly. “You don’t need to worry about anything. Everything is going to work out fine. Trust me!”

The stranger glared suspiciously at me for a short moment longer before turning his attention towards Mike instead. He smirked smugly and nodded approvingly.

“Okay then! Let’s see how long it takes you to tell her that little white lie of yours,” he said arrogantly folding his arms across his chest. “Or better yet, maybe you’d prefer to just admit the truth and save everyone a lot of trouble? Because trust me; there’s nothing worse than being caught red-handed cheating on your girlfriend with another guy. Especially, when you’re lying about it too!”

Mike swallowed hard nervously staring at the floor beneath his feet. His shoulders slumped forward making his face appear even smaller. However, unlike me, he didn’t look frightened or intimidated at all. Instead, his expression appeared completely blank and emotionless.

As expected, the guy seemed surprised by this sudden change in behavior. But since he already believed Mike was gay, it only took him a second to process the information.

“Well well…it seems like I’m dealing with an honest straight guy here after all,” chuckled the man happily rubbing his hands together. “I guess that means I won’t be able to use any of my usual tricks against you guys today. So what am I supposed to do now?

I know! Maybe I should just go ahead and ask you directly if you’ve been fooling around with anyone else besides each other lately? Oh yeah! That sounds perfect! Go ahead and answer that asshole. It might help speed things up along the way.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mike instantly turned bright scarlet in embarrassment. He looked down at the ground ashamedly while mumbling something under his breath. The strange man frowned disapprovingly, however, so he quickly interrupted him.

“Hey come on now! Stop playing dumb and stop wasting time!” barked the stranger angrily waving his hand dramatically towards Mike. “Tell me the truth! Who did you hook up with recently? Was it that cute friend of yours from school who keeps sending you dirty text messages every night?

Or perhaps it was one of those hot college jocks you met last week during spring break? Tell me, because I want to hear everything right now!”

Mike’s cheeks flushed crimson once again but he refused to reply. Instead, he kept his mouth shut firmly refusing to acknowledge the stranger’s existence. After several moments passed, the stranger sighed heavily shaking his head disapprovingly.

“Come on now! You really are trying my patience aren’t you?” complained the man sounding annoyed. “Fine! If you insist on keeping secrets then I guess I have no choice but to drag this out a bit longer. How about this then? Why not give me a hint? Is it someone you know personally or is it some random stranger from an online dating site you met over the internet?”

Just as the man spoke these words, Mike suddenly shot me a glance filled with fear. He looked terrified, almost as if he feared I would reveal the truth to the stranger. At the same time though, he also seemed desperate to avoid doing so himself. This made me curious as to why he had such mixed feelings about telling the stranger about our relationship.

Before I could think of a response though, the stranger continued to talk ignoring my questions entirely.

“Oh wait! Before I forget, let me make sure I understand correctly. Did you cheat on your girlfriend with another girl? No matter how much she begged you to stay faithful? And was it just sex you two shared with each other or were there some emotional attachments involved too?

Either way, I want to know exactly what happened between the both of you. Just try to keep it simple though. Don’t get too detailed or elaborate on anything. Otherwise, you’ll end up boring me to death in the process. Got it? Okay then, what’s next? What other juicy details do you have to share with me? Come on! Please hurry up and spill the beans! Spill them! Now!”

At first, Mike hesitated briefly unsure whether or not he wanted to continue talking. Then after thinking carefully for a few seconds, his eyes immediately lit up with excitement. Without hesitating anymore, he started to explain everything clearly and precisely without leaving out a single detail.

All throughout the entire conversation, however, I remained silent listening intently to what he told the stranger. Although I couldn’t believe we had actually gone through with it, I still felt somewhat relieved knowing that Mike wasn’t lying to protect me.

After hearing the whole story, the stranger laughed loudly amused by Mike’s confession. In fact, he found their affair absolutely hilarious. Yet despite his amusement, he never showed any signs of anger or hatred toward either one of us.

The End

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