Christmas Tree Village

Christmas Tree Village

Christmas Tree Village

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The town of Christmas Tree Village was built on the outskirts of a city called Winter City. In fact, it was just across the river from Winter City. The people of Christmas Tree Village were not very happy with that arrangement, but they had no choice.

It wasn’t as if the people of Winter City didn’t want to be friends. It was just that Winter City had a lot more people and a lot more things to do. And those people had a lot more money than the people of Christmas Tree Village. They could afford to build big houses, buy lots of new clothes, eat out at fancy restaurants, go to movies, and even have parties in their own homes.

Christmas Tree Village couldn’t afford any of that. But the people who lived there didn’t mind. They were happy just being together with their families, sharing what little they had, and giving gifts to each other.

Sometimes the people of Winter City would throw parties for themselves. Then the people of Christmas Tree Village would feel sorry for them and send them presents. Sometimes the people of Winter City would throw parties for Christmas Tree Village. Then the people of Christmas Tree Village would feel sorry for them and give them presents.

Winter City had all kinds of special events. There was a skating rink, an ice-skating rink, a movie theater, a circus, a zoo, and a museum. People went to those places to have fun.

Christmas Tree Village had only one thing that was special—the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. The tree was the most important thing in Christmas Tree Village. It was a big, tall, beautiful tree that stood in the center of the village. It was decorated with lights and ornaments and tinsel and garland.

People from Winter City often came to see the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. They said it was the best Christmas Tree in the world.

The people of Christmas Tree Village were proud of their Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. They took good care of it. They made sure it was trimmed and clean and bright.

One day a group of men from Winter City came to see the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. They said it was the best Christmas Tree in the world.

“Really?” asked one of the men. “You mean that really is the best Christmas Tree in the world? I don’t think so.”

“What do you mean?” asked another man.

“I mean,” said the first man, “that the tree in Winter City is better. It’s bigger. It has more lights. And it has a star on top.”

“A star!” exclaimed the second man. “Why, we have a star too. You can see it shining above the tree every night. But that tree in Winter City has a star on top.”

“You’re right,” said the first man. “That is the best Christmas Tree in the world. I’ll tell you something else. That tree in Winter City is also the tallest Christmas Tree in the world. It’s taller than the trees in any other town in the world.”

“No way!” exclaimed the second man. “I don’t believe you. No one can grow a tree that tall.”

“It’s true,” said the first man. “You just have to come and see for yourself.”

So the men from Winter City went back to Winter City and told everyone they knew about the great Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree.

The people of Winter City were very happy when they heard about the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. They were even happier when they heard that it was the tallest Christmas Tree in the world. They were especially happy when they learned that it had a star on top.

One day a man named Henry came to see the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. He was from Winter City. Henry didn’t have much money, but he thought the tree was beautiful. He decided he would give some of his money to the people who took care of the tree.

“I want to give you something,” said Henry. “Will you take it?”

“Yes, please,” said the man who took care of the tree. “We would be very grateful.”

Henry gave the man a big, fat, gold coin. Then he said, “I’m going to leave the rest of my money with you. I don’t need it anymore.”

The man who took care of the tree was very surprised. “Are you sure?” he asked. “You must be very rich.”

“No,” said Henry. “I’m not. But I am a good man. I’ve worked hard all my life. I hope the people in this village will use the money to help other people.”

The man who took care of the tree was very touched by Henry’s gift. He thought about what he should do with the money. Finally, he decided to put it in the bank. The money would be safe there until someone needed it.

Then Henry left the village and went back to Winter City.

When Henry got home, he told his wife about the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. She was surprised to hear that it was so big and tall. She was even more surprised to hear that it had a star on top.

“What kind of a tree is it?” she asked.

“It’s a Christmas Tree,” said Henry. “And it has a star on top.”

“Oh,” said his wife. “Well, we’ll have to go see it.”

The next day the couple drove to Winter City. They went right to the center of the city. There they saw the great Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. It was even taller than Henry had thought. It was also bigger.

The couple looked at the tree for a long time. Then they went inside the big building in front of the tree. Inside they found a restaurant. They went in and sat down.

The man who took care of the tree came to the restaurant. He walked up to the couple.

“Hello,” he said. “I’m glad you could come.”

“We’re glad we could come,” said Henry.

“Do you know why I asked you to come here today?”

“No,” said Henry.

“I asked you to come because I wanted to thank you,” said the man. “You see, I’ve been taking care of the tree for years. But now I can’t do it anymore. So I’m leaving. I want to thank you for being so generous. You helped me to do something very special.”

Henry and his wife were surprised when the man told them how much money he had given to the people who took care of the tree.

“How much did you give us?” asked Henry.

“I gave you three gold coins,” said the man.

“Three gold coins!” exclaimed Henry’s wife. “That’s a lot of money! Where did you get it?”

“I made it myself,” said the man. “You see, I have a farm.”

Henry and his wife looked at the man. He seemed very happy to be telling them this story.

“Where is your farm?” asked Henry.

“It’s in the middle of the forest,” said the man. “If you go north from here, it’s about two miles away. If you go south from here, it’s about four miles away. The road goes right through my farm.”

“We’d love to visit your farm,” said Henry. “Is that all right?”

“Yes,” said the man. “I’d like you to come. My family and I will be very happy to see you.”

Henry and his wife drove back to their house. They packed a suitcase with some clothes and food. Then they drove to the center of Winter City. There they got into a taxi. The driver took them to the middle of the forest.

When they arrived at the farm, the man who took care of the tree was waiting for them. He led them to the house. It was very beautiful. There were flowers everywhere.

“This is my home,” said the man. “Please, come in.”

Henry and his wife went inside. It was a small house. But it was very clean. And there was food on the table.

The man who took care of the tree told them to sit down. Then he said, “My name is Henry. This is my wife, Rachel.”

“Nice to meet you,” said the man. “I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me.”

Henry and his wife sat down. They looked at each other. Henry noticed that Rachel was looking at him.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

Rachel smiled. “I’m thinking,” she said, “that we’re going to have a wonderful time here.”

Henry and Rachel stayed at the farm for almost two weeks. They saw the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel played games with the children. They rode horses. They went fishing. They even climbed a tree.

One day Henry and Rachel were walking in the woods. They came to a large tree. It was very old. There was a rope tied to the tree.

“Can we climb it?” asked Rachel.

“Of course,” said Henry. “It’s an easy climb.”

Henry and Rachel went up the tree. They had a lot of fun. When they reached the top, they found a box. It was made of wood. There was a key in the box.

Henry put the key in the lock. He turned it. The box opened. Henry and Rachel looked inside. There was a letter.

Henry read the letter. It said, “Dear Henry, Rachel, and the children, I’m sorry that I can’t see you anymore. But I’m very happy to know that you’ll be able to take care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. I know that you will do a good job. And I’m sure that you will make all the people in Winter City very happy. Thank you for everything. I love you.”

Henry and Rachel were sad when they finished reading the letter. They looked at each other. Then they both started crying.

“We should go down,” said Henry.

“Yes,” said Rachel. “Let’s go home.”

Henry and Rachel climbed down the rope. They went back to the house. Henry and Rachel went to the room where they had been staying. They packed their suitcase. Then they drove to the center of Winter City.

When they got there, they took a taxi. The driver took them to the airport. They flew back to New York.

Henry and Rachel went straight to their house. They unpacked their suitcase. Then they sat down on the couch. They looked at each other.

“I think we should call our parents,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She picked up the phone. “Hello, Mom?” she said.

“Hi, sweetheart!” said Henry’s mother. “How was your trip?”

“It was great,” said Rachel. “We met a man who took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree.”

“That sounds wonderful,” said Henry’s mother. “What did he look like?”

“He was very nice,” said Rachel. “His name is Henry.”

Henry’s mother laughed. “That’s funny,” she said. “Your father and I are named Henry.”

Henry and Rachel smiled. “That’s strange,” said Rachel.

Henry’s mother told them that they could stay with her and Henry’s father until they found a place to live.

“We’re very happy to have you here,” she said. “You can stay as long as you want.”

Henry and Rachel went to bed. They were tired. But they couldn’t stop thinking about the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree.

The next day Henry and Rachel went to the library. They asked the librarian if they could look through the books.

“Of course,” said the librarian. “They’re all yours.”

Henry and Rachel looked at the books. They saw a picture of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree. It was the same tree that Henry had seen in the letter.

“This is the one,” said Henry.

“Yes,” said Rachel. “It looks just like the one in the letter.”

Henry and Rachel looked at the letter again. Then they put it away.

“We’ll find a way to take care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel went back to their house. They worked hard. They cleaned the house. They painted the walls.

Henry and Rachel wanted to make sure that the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree would be ready for the people of Winter City.

“I know what we should do,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel went to the library. They got a book. It was called “How to Grow a Christmas Tree.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to grow a Christmas tree.

“We need to get some soil,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with soil. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the seeds.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the seeds. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Tree.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make a Christmas tree.

“We need to get some sticks,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with sticks. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the sticks.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the sticks. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Star.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make a Christmas star.

“We need to get some straw,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with straw. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the straw.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the straw. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Wreath.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make a Christmas wreath.

“We need to get some leaves,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with leaves. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the leaves.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the leaves. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Angel.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make a Christmas angel.

“We need to get some paint,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with paint. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the paint.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the paint. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Angel’s Wings.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make angel wings.

“We need to get some ribbon,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with ribbon. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the ribbon.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the ribbon. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Angel’s Headdress.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make an angel’s headdress.

“We need to get some feathers,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with feathers. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the feathers.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the feathers. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Angel’s Hands.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make an angel’s hands.

“We need to get some yarn,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with yarn. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the yarn.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the yarn. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Angel’s Feet.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make an angel’s feet.

“We need to get some sand,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with sand. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the sand.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the sand. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Angel’s Headdress.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make an angel’s headdress.

“We need to get some paper,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with paper. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the paper.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the paper. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Angel’s Hands.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make an angel’s hands.

“We need to get some glue,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with glue. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the glue.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the glue. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

Henry and Rachel went to the library again. They got another book. It was called “How to Make a Christmas Angel’s Feet.”

“Let’s read this,” said Henry.

Henry and Rachel opened the book. They read it together. The book told them how to make an angel’s feet.

“We need to get some glitter,” said Henry.

Rachel nodded. She got two large bags. She filled them with glitter. Then she carried them to the living room.

Henry and Rachel put the bags on the floor. They made a hole in the soil. Then they planted the glitter.

“It’s going to take a while before we see any results,” said Henry.

“That’s okay,” said Rachel. “We can wait.”

Henry and Rachel kept watering the glitter. They took care of the Christmas Tree Village Christmas Tree every day.

The End

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