Call of the deep Forest

Call of the deep forest

Call of the deep Forest

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“That’s it, that’s all I need.”

The young man turned around and looked at his reflection in a mirror. He was wearing an elegant suit with a white shirt and black tie; he had also put on some glasses to complete the look. The end result was quite stylish indeed. However, there were still several things missing from this outfit: namely, shoes!

While there are plenty of people who wear slippers or sandals when going out for dinner, one can hardly say the same about formal attire such as suits. A pair of dress shoes would be much more suitable than any other type of footwear.

Fortunately enough, they weren’t too hard to find either since most men wore them anyway. All you needed to do is ask your tailor if he could make something similar, which wasn’t difficult considering how many tailors worked in town.

And so after only two days of searching, the young man finally managed to get hold of what he wanted. Now all that remained was to try them on…

He took off his leather boots and pulled up the new ones until their laces reached just below his knees. Then he sat down on a chair while trying not to slip over because the floor seemed rather slippery thanks to the freshly waxed wooden boards covering its surface.

After putting on both socks and shoes, he stood back upright again and tried walking across the room. It didn’t take him long before he felt confident enough to leave the house without looking like an idiot. Once outside though, he quickly realized that he should have worn thicker socks instead.

His feet were freezing cold even though the air temperature was relatively warm during the daytime. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk now. At least he’d gotten his hands on a nice pair of shoes. That alone made it worth all the trouble.

After leaving the tailor’s shop behind, he walked along the main street towards the center of town. There were lots of shops lining both sides of the road, each selling different kinds of goods. In fact, every single building here seemed to sell something.

From clothes to food, from tools to furniture – everything imaginable was being sold somewhere within these walls. But unlike those places where you went shopping because you actually needed whatever product was being offered, this place served another purpose entirely.

People came here simply for fun and entertainment. They did it to meet friends and spend time together having a good laugh over drinks or snacks. Those establishments usually catered to the wealthier citizens, but sometimes the less fortunate ones as well.

Since the establishment itself was free to enter, anyone could go inside regardless of social class. Even beggars could come into town and enjoy themselves, although they might feel somewhat awkward doing so in front of others.

And so it happened that the young man found himself in one such bar. While entering through the door was easy enough, getting a table proved to be quite tricky. Most tables were already occupied by groups of people sitting around drinking and talking loudly.

Others were reserved for those willing to pay extra money. So the young man decided to wait patiently until someone left their spot. Unfortunately, after waiting for almost half an hour he still hadn’t spotted anybody vacating their seat.

Not wanting to give up just yet, he kept standing in line hoping to catch sight of somebody else making way for him. As luck would have it, soon afterward he saw a group of three men walk past him with empty cups in hand.

One of them stopped right next to the entrance and threw away his cup before turning round to face another guy nearby. And once he noticed the young man watching him, he immediately beckoned for the latter to follow them.

“Come on then,” said the first man. “We’re heading upstairs.”

The second one nodded silently and followed his friend. Their third companion stayed behind to keep watch over their belongings. When the last person entered the stairway leading upwards, the first man called out to the remaining two.

“Alright, let’s head up!”

They climbed up the stairs one step at a time until reaching the top floor. Here, they passed by a few doors on the way to reach the very last one. This was the door that the young man had been directed towards. It opened slightly upon hearing footsteps approaching and a woman appeared on the threshold.

She looked exactly like her brother, except she was dressed differently. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, revealing a pale-skinned neck. Instead of a fancy hairstyle, it hung loosely down her shoulders. Unlike her brother, however, she wore a simple tunic-like garment made of soft fabric.

On the other side of the doorway stood a man holding a tray with four mugs placed neatly on it. He smiled politely as the trio approached.

“Welcome to our humble abode,” he greeted them cheerfully. “My name is Balthazar. What can I get you, folks?”

The young man answered by pointing at the mug in the middle. The man understood what he meant and poured some drinkable liquid into the glass. Meanwhile, the woman turned around and started speaking to her brother.

“Baldy! You’ve got customers coming your way!”

She pointed towards the staircase, which led downwards to the ground level.

“Oh yeah? Who are we dealing with today?” asked the brother.

His sister shrugged.

“I don’t know. Just some guys who look like they need help.”

Her brother chuckled quietly.

“Well, if you say so…”

Together, Baldy and his sister walked toward the newcomers. The young man couldn’t hear their conversation anymore, but judging by the looks exchanged between them, it wasn’t anything important. Soon afterward, Baldy returned with a large mug filled to the brim. He handed it over to the young man, explaining:

“Here ya go, buddy. A hot beverage will do wonders when it comes to keeping you awake. Take care not to spill any though, ’cause my little it’ll make sure to turn your insides blue.”

He gave the young man a friendly wink, causing him to chuckle nervously. After thanking Baldy, the young man took a sip. His eyes widened in surprise as the warm drink spread throughout his body. Without realizing it, he had been feeling sleepy earlier, but now all traces of tiredness vanished completely. He felt alert again, more than ready to continue exploring the city.

Once again, the young man thanked Baldy and turned to leave. But before doing so, he paused and glanced backward at the siblings. They both stared at him expectantly, awaiting instructions from their sibling. Eventually, the younger one spoke up.

“Do you want something too, big boy?”

It was a question the young man could hardly ignore. Besides, he didn’t mind spending some coins on a good drink. With this thought in mind, he replied:

“Sure thing. Give me whatever you think is best.”

At these words, the girl grinned widely.

“No problemo! First things first, I’m gonna pour some water into a cup. Then, I’d suggest having some bread while chewing on some fruit. Lastly, I recommend trying our special brew. It has a unique taste, unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.”

With that, the young man watched as the woman went about preparing the drinks. In no time, she came back with a steaming mug full of fresh water. Next, she placed a small bowl containing slices of apple on the table alongside a wooden plate stacked high with several pieces of dry bread.

Finally, she brought forth a jug of dark brown liquid. Once she set everything down, the young man picked up the mug and tasted its contents. To his delight, the tea was quite delicious. Not only did it quench his thirst, but it also helped alleviate his hunger somewhat.

Before long, the young man finished drinking his mug and put it aside. Now, it was time for the real test. He raised the wooden spoon to his lips and took a hearty gulp of the brew. At once, he felt a pleasant warmth spreading through his stomach.

As expected, the drink was indeed different from normal beverages. Its rich aroma mixed with the potent flavor of the herbs used to prepare it created an intoxicating effect. The young man swallowed the rest of the mug without hesitation, savoring every drop of the mysterious concoction.

After finishing off his drink, he decided to try another mouthful of the strange brew. This time, however, he added a slice of apple to the mixture. He found out that adding food to the mix made the experience even better. While the apples weren’t exactly sweet, the combination proved surprisingly tasty.

And yet, there was still much left to discover. So, the young man paid Baldy’s establishment a visit many times during the following days. Each time, the young man ordered a new type of drink, until finally, he managed to sample almost all the available options.

Over time, the young man learned how to combine various ingredients together in order to create the perfect combinations. For instance, he discovered that mixing honey with mint provided a refreshing sensation. Oranges were great when combined with cinnamon.

On top of this, he soon realized that certain fruits enhanced each other’s flavors. Apples complemented pineapples wonderfully, whereas bananas worked well with strawberries. All in all, the young man became quite knowledgeable regarding the art of concocting exotic beverages.

Indeed, he quickly grew accustomed to these unusual concoctions and began craving them whenever possible.

One day, the young man encountered a merchant selling rare spices. These items were usually sold exclusively by traveling merchants, which meant that such a shop would be hard to find. However, after browsing the shelves for a few minutes, the young man stumbled upon a bag of ground pepper.

Curious, he examined the item closely. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the powder inside the container looked similar to the herb commonly known as “spice”. Intrigued, he grabbed a handful of the spice and stuffed it into his pocket.

Later on, he bought several bags of pepper, all of which ended up being extremely useful. Soon enough, the young man started using these powders to enhance the flavor of his favorite drinks. Over time, he developed a knack for creating entirely novel mixtures. Thanks to this skill, he eventually earned himself the nickname of Master Mixologist.


The next morning, the young man woke up early. He had spent most of last night mulling over his latest encounter with the Dark Lord. Ever since then, he couldn’t get her face out of his head. He kept thinking about what she might look like under those heavy robes, imagining the way her skin would feel against his own.

Her hair must have been soft, just like her voice sounded. Perhaps, if they met again, the young man could ask her to remove the hood covering her eyes. Maybe, if he asked nicely, she wouldn’t refuse. After all, she seemed nice enough, despite the fact that she was apparently evil incarnate.

Could she really turn away someone who simply wanted to talk with her? From what he knew of the situation, she probably needed allies. If nothing else, maybe she could use some help defeating the Dark Lords. Of course, asking her to join forces wasn’t going to work.

She was far too strong for him to defeat alone. But perhaps, if he teamed up with others, they might stand a chance…

As usual, the young man rose early and headed straight for Baldy’s tavern. Today, he planned on introducing himself to the barkeeper. Hopefully, he would meet a fellow adventurer or two. Even though he didn’t know anyone personally, he hoped that at least one person might recognize his name.

In any case, he intended to take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the world around him. It would be wise to keep track of his surroundings, especially now that he’d become somewhat famous among adventurers.

Besides, meeting people might prove beneficial in the future. Who knows, maybe he could make friends with someone capable of helping him achieve his goals.

Once he arrived at the tavern, the young man immediately spotted Baldy sitting behind his counter. Shortly thereafter, a middle-aged woman entered the building carrying a tray filled with plates of steaming food.

As expected, the place was packed full of customers, so the young man placed an order before heading towards the back. Once seated in a quiet corner, the young man took a bite from his bowl of spicy stew. The dish tasted wonderful but not nearly as good as the ones served by the inns located further east.

Nevertheless, it did its job of filling his stomach. After finishing his meal, the young man returned to the front door and approached Baldy.

“Good morning,” said the bartender, noticing the newcomer. “I’m glad you decided to stop by today.”

“Hello, Baldy. I’ve come here hoping to meet new people. Do you happen to know anything about adventuring?”

Baldy chuckled. “Oh yes! We do have plenty of adventuresome folks coming through our doors every single day. Some are looking for fame and fortune while others want to test their strength against fearsome monsters. Either way, we’re always happy to accommodate them!”

The young man smiled politely. “That sounds interesting, actually. What sorts of things can I expect to see here?”

“Well, there’s always the possibility of encountering dangerous creatures lurking within the forest. On top of that, many travelers end up getting lost along the way. There’s also the issue of bandits trying to rob unsuspecting passersby. You never know when trouble will strike, but luckily, most of us are prepared for whatever comes our way.”

“Sounds fun,” replied the young man. “What sort of equipment should I bring with me?”

“It depends on your level, of course. For starters, you’ll need a sturdy set of armor. A well-made sword is also essential, as are daggers or other weapons. Oh, don’t forget about magical items either. They can save your life during battle, even if you aren’t quite sure how to use them properly yet.

That being said, you shouldn’t rely solely on magic. No matter what happens, remember to stay focused and pay attention to your surroundings. Being able to think quickly is crucial in the wilderness. Now, let’s see…” Baldy paused to think for a moment. “In terms of levels, you should start off somewhere between Level 1 and 15.

At this point, you won’t find much danger beyond the occasional goblin or kobold. However, once you reach Level 20, you’ll begin to notice larger threats such as ogres and trolls. By the time you hit 30, you’ll be facing extremely powerful enemies. Finally, by 40, you’ll likely run into the likes of dragons, giants, and demons. All right, that’s all I had to say. Enjoy your meals!”

After hearing Baldy’s advice, the young man thanked him for his assistance. Then, he went back inside and began eating his breakfast. Soon afterward, another customer walked over to the counter. This time, it was a burly dwarf dressed in leather armor. His beard was long and thick, hanging down past his chest. The stranger looked angry as he glared at Baldy.

“Hey, Baldy! Why do you hate dwarves so much?!” demanded the bearded warrior.

“Why do you assume I dislike dwarven folk? I simply prefer my drinks without any added flavorings,” responded the bartender calmly.

“You’re lying! Everyone knows that you only serve water because you secretly despise them!” exclaimed the dwarf.

“Now, why would I ever lie like that?” asked Baldy. “Do you really believe I enjoy serving watered-down ale to customers who deserve better?”

“Of course not! But still, you must admit that it doesn’t make sense for you to hate dwarves so much. It seems completely irrational to me. If you ask me, you’re just jealous of their amazing physique.”

Seeing no reason to argue with the dwarf anymore, Baldy changed the subject. “By the way, where are you headed next, sir?”

“To the village of Hulburg. My name is Gorm Ironbeak, and I look forward to meeting some more people from the city.”

“If you wish to speak with someone specific, perhaps I could help you out. In fact, I might be able to arrange something special for you. Would you mind waiting outside for a few minutes?”

Gorm nodded enthusiastically. “Sure thing, Baldy! Thanks again!”

As soon as the dwarf left, Baldy turned back to the young adventurer standing beside him. “So, what do you think of our little town? Do you feel confident enough to head straight to Hulburg now?”

“Yes,” answered the young man confidently. “Haven’t you heard? There’s an elf named Alustin living in the capital these days. He’s been helping adventurers raise their levels. Apparently, he has a lot of useful information to share.”

“How exciting! Well then, shall we go?”


A short distance away from the tavern stood a small wooden building known as the Adventurer’s Guild. Inside were several desks lined up in rows, each one manned by a different member of staff. These employees helped newcomers register themselves with the guild, which allowed them to gain access to its services.

One particular desk caught the eye of the young adventurer. Sitting behind it was a beautiful woman wearing a green dress. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, revealing her slender neck. She seemed very friendly, smiling cheerfully while greeting everyone who came through the door.

The End

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